
I feel like costume design for many early modern comic book films owes a lot to Bryan Singer’s first “X-Men,” in that most of the primary color costumes from the source material have to be a bit muted on camera or completely redesigned. Jon Favreau’s “Iron Man” and Sam Raimi’s “Spider-Man” are outliers to that school

One day, I want to go Full Kirby in my personal life too. 

Say what you will about Darkseid’s plan to acquire the anti-life equation—which has the power to dominate the will of any sentient race, and has other reality-altering powers that twist and distort freedom—in order to rule all of least it’s an ethos.

Those panels are metal as hell.

Thor’s eyepatch is the most distinct edit.

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” comes to mind...

It’s because the internet is a raging wasteland that is also home to rare instances of online civilization—like the AV Club’s comments section. Out there though, where users wander through a dystopian wilderness, it’s hard to know who’s crazier...

That pairing was better than it should have been. Clearly someone’s soul was sold for their respective, bland personas to combine into an enjoyable buddy action-comedy.

Certainly I was typed. But what is typing? It is a trademark, a means by which the public recognizes you. Actors work all their lives to achieve that. I got mine with just one picture. It was a blessing.”Boris “I’m pretty fucking self-aware” Karloff

Dear Daniel Day-Lewis, please open a luthier’s workshop across the street from the brewery on Beaver Island and, in your free time, solve mysteries on the archipelago.

A Ken Burns style adaptation, that’s what we were robbed of. Netflix already riffed on “Serial” with “American Vandal.” Just imagine: Netflix’s “World War Z” could be great, especially if done in the same tone as their Five Came Back” docu-series.

Internet troll as Werewolf. Gamergate, which is already it’s own nightmare, but made into a horror film via werewolves.

For sure, the concept of the pile on is horrifying. But the film’s execution of it kind of had me laughing embarrassingly because it looked like Loony Toons physics. Honestly, I wanted that sequence to work for me but I’m not sure how they could’ve executed that storyboard better.

Fair. But going back to the storytelling aspect, I think zombies work best when they’re treated less like vampires or werewolves and more like a force of nature—like a flood, wildfire or even a hurricane. Just swap out flooding for zombies and the plot in “Hard Rain” still works (and arguably gets more interesting).

It would fit better with the Studs Terkel oral history of the original book too.

True, because as a horror fan you know what a zombie is and how to efficiently quarantine the infection and destroy those already infected. What medical, scientific, military, or law enforcement professional is going to start with “Oh shit, zombies! Shoot them in the head and burn them” when a pandemic, like the 1918

Maybe it was an added: “First this weird lady appears out of nowhere and not she has weird clothes too? Ugh this is too much weirdness on top of that priest always being high and talking to coconuts.

Jamie, forever with a horseshoe up his ass.

Yeah, but it’s one of those things like the Nazi’s improving rockets to the point NASA could use their tech/scientists to get to the moon. It was an improvement, but at what human cost?

I like to think Palpatine got drunk one day and was like, “Hey Vader, you know what would be funny. If someone did take me out but I leave orders for our goons to start fucking up planets. Like, just cause. They’d probably do it too, heh. Man, that’s be crazy.”