
Luke could have wiped out everyone in that whole place. Once Luke showed up everything (except the Rancor, he didn’t know about the Rancor, but he figured he could run with it) was planned.

Sort of in the same vein as the classic opening to each of the Indiana Jones films, the whole rescue sequence at Jabba’s palace and at the Sarlac were just a means to kick off RotJ with a big, action-packed and stunt and fx spectacle before getting to the main plot. A sort of way to reintroduce and establish the main

Hell yeah. Good writer, unique voice.

Come for the songs you remember from high school. Stay for the lecture on New World Order mind control techniques and Alex Jones pamphlets.

I’ll back you on that.

Someone on Twitter pointed out that the opening history of Wakanda was N’Jobu speaking to his son, which I definitely missed on first viewing. His motivations were very well set up.

I kinda wish the movie had delved more deeply into that, to be honest. That is a really fascinating dynamic - the villain is actually right. For the wrong reasons, sure, but he’s right in that Wakanda ought to be more integrated into the world. That is an interesting thing to look at - a villain that is right for the

Please tell me that’s really the title of Breitbart’s review.

I mostly thought it was a modern day updating of Abe Sapiens’ backstory from the Hellboy comics.

Literally the same. Tom Hanks and Daryll Hannah, despite not being in the rest of the movie, swim off underwater together.

It was a weird choice.

I mean, it’s also just Hamlet.

The problem is I think Paul Rudd plays the goofy outsider better then Mackie could. Mackie has leading man chops but it put into a sidekick roll. Honestly I hope after Chris Evans stops being Cap, they let Mackie put on the suit for a while because I think he would be great at it.

Which is sorta how Scott Lang from the comics is.   So it works

I love Nadia.

Yay, Nadia.

He really does do a great job at fitting in the MCU by not really fitting in. He’s kind of the random guy who accidentally got thrust into the avengers thing on accident and he’s just rolling with it.

In my entire life of 37 years, there has been one movie (of what I’d estimate to be probably 300-400; I wouldn’t consider myself a serious cinephile) that I have ever sat down with the intention of watching, gotten a period of time into it, turned it off and never watched it again.

Very Bad Things was that movie.

Snapper was seen as the antagonist, which is horrible! Everything he told Kara is stuff I heard in my ‘Journalism 101' class. Plus he was about as friendly and sympathetic as most of my journalism profs.

If you want to see some infuriating bullshit in depicting journalism, check out season two of Daredevil.

Surely, you know SELFIE, one of the most charming sitcoms ever to be cut down in its infancy? Surely!