
Um, hey y’all... just gonna leave this here...

intellectually i can appreciate he was a piece of cultural history. emotionally though, all i can picture him as was the creepy old crypt keeper he’s been for nearly my entire life (certainly entire adult life.) He may be the greatest example of knowing when its time to accept your age and enjoy a quiet retirement.

No, that really is fake. MrsLangdonAlger decided to leave AV Club before the Kinja migration; the guy posting in her name is just making a bunch of generic “SJW” statements as an act of trolling.

Great, another fake troll account. Get a life.

As someone who never read the books, I thought it was a perfectly cromulent popcorn movie.

Yeah, the guy who literally let a child he could have saved fall to his death, and let the love of his life get burned alive because saving her would have slowed his pursuit of the Tower probably shouldn’t be portrayed as ambivalent about it.

Mostly it was the lack of Lobstrocities

“In the early days of the internet, it was one of a very small number of sites (it, CHUD, Dark Horizons, and a handful of others) catering to the film nerd community. That gave it a huge built-in advantage. Better sites came along, but momentum kept it going, even as a lot of us who had once read it daily stopped

I maintain that IT is a decent movie that’s elevated to being pretty great by the amazing young cast. Not every actor got a whole lot to do, but those kids had a really funny and natural chemisty with each other that made all the threatening clown stuff way more gripping then it probably would have been with a far

They absolutely should have filmed them back to back, but I think in this case the studio was probably wise to be a bit cautious. Remember that IT had been in development hell for nearly a decade and had already lost a high profile director.

“a planned follow-up film that—like the second half of the book—catches up with the It kids once they’ve grown up”

JFC, you’re an asshole. And PS? 1970s. The Waltons. Michael Learned. And why is it so far-fetched to believe the smartest character would be played by a black actress? Seriously. GFY.

Hey, while you’re missing one of the main points of a franchise, do you want to say some racist or homophobic shit while claiming to be a X-Men fan also?

I have to disagree on Voyager. The pilot and set-up are solid. It is, unfortunately, mostly downhill from there.

Hey, all a neck pinch takes is the proper training and discipline. It’s a skill, not a super power.

I’m gathering that you watched the show via CBS All Access. Their “commercial free” subscription (the one that’s $9.99/month) claims to be ad-free, except that “select shows have promotional interruptions.” Is ST:D (that will never not be funny) such a show? Because I’ll gladly pay for the show, but not if there’s any

And even then, in order to get the maximum effect out of him, you have to demote him back to captain.

Unless that person is Admiral Kirk.

If nothing else, the show understands the most important rule of Starfleet: anybody above the rank of captain is completely useless.