
Pile me into the bus of people who hated Harry Knowles before it was cool. (Was there ever a time when it WASN’T cool to hate Harry Knowles?) Terrible site design, unprofessional reviews, just execrable in every way. It’s a pity his site got so big while The Flick Filosopher went under the radar. I guess people

I’m never going to feel completely well again

Oh btw, I would say this is the worst time a gross fat guy attempted to sound sexy describing cunilingus and failed catastrophically, but nothing will ever top Chris-Chan’s “For Jackie’s Eyes Only” video.

I can’t blame him for being ugly but I can blame him for that beard.

When the Lord of Hosts comes to pour out His bowls of wrath, seated on an obsidian throne, He will read this post over the trumpets of Gabriel. And we will know that we collectively deserve whatever happens next.

that’s fair. the beard and clothing are...unfortunate.

Yep, Moriarty and Capone are the reason I kept going back to that site for so long, even though most of the content was unreadable in a half dozen different ways.

“afraid to confront Harry Knowles” is an artefact of the late 90's if there ever was one.

And he wasted no time in apologizing for *that*, as soon as he saw how hard public opinion tilted against him.

So we have to inflict the Ghost of Leonard Pierce’s Career on Knowles for balance?

I clicked it, but then I realized I don’t want to read anything from that site ever again.

According to Wikipedia, Knowles’ career was aided (albeit indirectly) by a writer from the AV Club:

I liked his site in the late nineties, before I knew better. I think Moriarty and Capone were the only worthwhile contributors.

The clincher in this story is how Harry just “giggled” when she confronted him. Yep, that checks out based on his usual 12-year-old-boy demeanor.

This is the least surprising accusation ever.

He looks like the Weasley everyone avoids at the family reunion.

I love seeing movies at Alamo. They usually have a couple dozen nice beers, the popcorn is BOTTOMLESS and doesn’t come out of a 55 gallon barrel, and DAMMIT THEY BRINNIT ALL TO YOU.

I’m tired of reading about Alamo Drafthouse news because every time I read it I think “Oh it’s a bar” but then my brain corrects me and I remember it’s a movie theater chain. THEN I remember there’s not one remotely near me and news about it doesn’t affect me and I go get a beer because I was just thinking about beer.

More like Hairy Nodules, amirite??

If that lead pic is of the guy in question, then yeah, never be alone with that guy. I bet he’s done way worse than he’s accused of here.