
I also insist what bubble they curate for themselves is much smaller, and more easily and regularly penetrated by outside forces.

In the west, more or less, people are exposed to a variety of viewpoints, whether they want to or not. We don’t like Fox News, but we know what they’re up to, for example. A Trump voter might not like it, but they probably have an idea of what MSNBC or CNN is up to, they probably have kids that argue that stuff with

...which doesn’t require you to know how he came to be the way he is, or preclude any speculation surrounding his background.

I’m so glad The Cold War is back. I always wanted to live with the threat of nuclear annihilation hanging over my head.

Didn’t the AV Club used to have a feature that covered distinct, important scenes from movies?

I agree. I love the conflicting “scars” stories in The Dark Knight for this reason.

I’ll give you the bank heist sequence is amazing. At least Nolan nailed that one aspect of his Bat-flicks.

I prefer the idea that the Joker is an unknown, and unknowable, force of chaos and evil. He’s John Doe from Se7en.

I’m a big fan of the theory that The Dark Knight’s Joker is a former soldier, probably someone involved in special forces or covert ops, with combat experience in the Middle East. Consider:

Also, it’ll be a Coraline parody, which is timely and current.

Dammit, I wish him and Kim would just knock it off and hook up already. This “will they, won’t they” shit’s getting tiresome.

It would be funny if the Kessel Run turns out to be the defining moment for a long stretch of Han Solo’s life; the equivalent to “four touchdowns in a single game” to Al Bundy.

If I remember my Star Wars mythology correctly, “the really shitty part” of Kessel is the whole planet.

Fanboys are happy to explain that one away by saying that Solo did actually shorten the distance of the run by banking off the edge of a black hole (?).

I am looking forward to this movie all the time now. Howard knows how to tease the audience without patronizing or alienating them, and how to make a damn good movie. This should be fun.

It’s funny how in the header image, Ron Howard looks like a weathered, badass elder statesman of entertainment, and then in the second image he looks like someone snapped a picture of their goofy dad at a baseball game without giving said dad a heads-up.

Strangers With Sabrina

Let Rob Thomas direct a few episodes. He was made for supernatural crime stuff with teenage girls

I’m certain that Claire is wishing that she were with Jaime, but there is another reason, I believe, that she can’t look at Frank when they are making love - and I can’t imagine her explaining it. His face is that of Black Jack Randall, and there must be a part of her that is horrified at the thought.

I’ve always had sympathy for Frank, but Claire didn’t intend to fall in love with Jamie. Also, depending on how you look at it, she was married to Jamie first. ;)