
“Don’t tell anyone else about this” =/= not asking them to keep quiet.

Again, why is suicide his only option vs. “not being rehired after sexually harassing people”?

Also it’s surfaced that League asked one of Faraci’s victims specifically to keep quiet about her experience:

Listen, and understand! Kinja is out there. It can’t be bargained with, it can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity or remorse or fear, and it absolutely will not stop—EVER—until you have reclaimed your account or created one for yourself using any of their user-friendly methods! Join now!

Don’t tell me what to do. I’ll discuss what I want. I spent today playing FFG X-Wing and hanging out with a baby and it was rad, that’s what I’m discussing.

Birth Movies Death still uses Disqus.

While it is flawed, I thought Rogue One was an overall successful movie. And the back third of the film is fantastic. And it sounds like Lucasfilm worked pretty hard to ensure that was the result when there were rumblings about issues with the film.

That Vader scene at the end is worth the price of admission all by

Kathleen Kennedy seems to be an extremely sharp person. Even a Return of the Jedi-level critical success would be fine. RotJ is still a decent film, though it doesn’t hold a candle to Empire. I bet that will likely be the result here.

Kinja worked well enough for something like Gawker, where content was more or less meant to be ephemeral. For AV Club, I want to be able to scroll down and easily find grades for last night’s TV, or check What’s On Tonight. I can’t find anything on this site anymore.

I liked the line only in that it was such a bomb drop. Yep, she looks just like him Frank- Claire’a never gonna forget him now when there’s a walking talking daily reminder with his hair and eyes.

oh, i concurr. Her independence came from not having some awful Englush biarding school beat the intelligence and spirit out of her!

Owing to the law of “Major characters can’t die offscreen,” I can absolutely guarantee that Murtagh is alive.

While aspects of the New Deal were progressive, Roosevelt era America was still a deeply misogynistic culture. Notice the Dean’s dig at Eleanor Roosevelt and her “coterie of agitators.”

Wow, did not expect Outlander to be back on the AV Club but this is a great surprise. However where is the season 3 review???

Same! I remember them saying no more last year and came on a whim hoping for a change of mind this long after.

Lolz. I loved that and wonder if that was improved or added by the writers knowing how funny his attempted American accent was.

My favorite line of the episode: Frank, with an American accent, “I mean to rustle me up some victuals.”

Hey! I thought Outlander recaps were cut? No complaints here; good to have you back.

I’m pretty sure Black Jack is alive. It showed him laying in front of a fire (it showed part of his right ear missing) before the scene transitioned to Frank laying down in his office.

"I'll stop those terrorists. Or die tryin'."
"You won't stop us, Air Marshal 50 Cent! You will only die trying ."
"I will stop you… Or die tryin'."