
Fair point. I think that's why each day repeats multiple times. So if some jerk decides to Leroy Jenkins your playthrough you have a do over the next day?

You're sick. But also yes.

Maybe that was the intention? The other bots would be grieving over their murdered friends and family killed by the bandits had they been "human." But this bloodbath will be wiped in the next 12 hours and no "host" will be grieving when the game starts up again.

Ed Harris, is that you? Babbling about how you ain't impressed with killing Teddy no mo'.

Low and slow. It's how award winning BBQ is made. Also prestige television.

I mean ideas are viruses, technically speaking. It sounds to me like the new OS upgrade the bots have is finally allowing that transfer of ideas to stick in a way previous builds couldn't.

That line about over 30 years since a major incident tho…

Westworld's got what plants crave! It's got electrolytes!

That we know of…

Haha. That just clicked for me.

Nah, he's that guy in GTA who spends all his time brutalizing prostitutes and running over children in his car.

Def in media res. The questions at the beginning of the ep are, time line wise, a flash forward to the end of the episode.

Ed Harris' man in black is that dude that needs terabytes upon terabytes of spreadsheets to enjoy an MMO.

Chicago has two police misconduct databases:

Sharron Jones in the final ep. She's always amazing.

@disqus_DVcl9JtDl4:disqus @Anion:disqus We're all guilty of perpetuating the patriarchy in one way or another, consciously or subconsciously. So we're all implicit in helping it permeate our global worldview to a such a degree where the rule of law and mass media successfully blamed Knox for this murder solely because

Cam has horrible people and management skills, but she's not wrong about Mutiny stagnating into a bargain basement craigslist without changes to their swap meet platform and a need to upgrade their infrastructure to handle post-commodore hardware.
Because she has no people skills she can't explain this to everyone

I get taking the offer on the table vs one that may not even exist. But it's an interesting parallel to what happened with Joe, where he had to compromise his vision and desire to innovate because of the board that was brought on when he went public. It's a cool that the writers have a possible future of Mutiny

Magic ain't got time for your science.

The corporate music industry is really scraping the bottom of the barrel to save itself. Maybe change your entire business model instead of trying to keep one that's a century old on life support.