
Something about this just comes off as malicious. If these Youtubers are acting in good faith, everyone involved would be better off if people outside their fanbases just left them alone. These days, there are just so many more productive ways to use your time and skills anyway.

If you can get them for a good price, do it. They’re plenty of fun and come with an immense amount of props.

Those parts were supposed to look fake. The purpose of the show is to get people frustrated and angry at it every time they see it online. If you don’t want to be the butt of the joke, the best thing to do is scroll past anything involving this series before you’re tempted to lash out at it.

I think we all wish that Pop Team Epic could be so easily summarized.

Man, it is so sad how a character that existed totally innocuous for over a decade became the mascot for a radical political movement in one election cycle. I still feel bad for the artist who is probably still mortified by seeing how the badly alt-right bastardized his work.

I was glad when I got the email that Anime Strike was taken down. Amazon totally crippled Made in Abyss’s western release by making it an Anime Strike exclusive, and I hope that this’ll mean allow the series to reach the wider audience it deserves.

This is ridiculous. There’s nothing wrong with firing a sexual predator from a cast, but trying to continue a protagonist-driven drama without the protagonist is a recipe for failure, and a major waste of a budget on the level of House of Cards’. At this point, they should just scrap this show altogether and give a

Now for the real question: where does it fall on the timeline?

I bet a lot of people are even more excited for Metroid Prime 4 now.

Custom Robo. Last game was on the DS in 2006, and it’s a damn shame we never got another. It’d be perfect for the Switch, too on so many levels.


As someone who was almost too much of a fan of Homestar Runner however long ago it was, I feel like I’ve experienced some major failure for not recognizing this game at all.

Whoa, I thought redundant apps for features already included on iOS died off back around when the 5 came out. Amazing that there’s still a market for stuff like this.

Seeing concept art for a game like this is always sad. In this case especially, it’s obvious that the artists cared far more than anyone else in the process did.

Ah yes, because demonizing people for having views different from yours is a basic principal that democracy was built on. Sure, some of what Jon said was wrong and misinformed, but *demonizing* someone for not quite saying the right thing sets a very terrifying precedent. By making a comment like this, you’ve just fed

I gotta say, out of anyone I’ve discussed this with, you’ve probably come up with the best explanation I’ve heard so far. When you put it that way, the competitive following behind Melee does make more sense. Especially when compared to the typical “because it’s Melee” response.

Anyone see that Aring video by H3H3? The characters in this game remind me way too much of the people in that commercial.

People’s inertia against moving away from Melee to Smash 4 will always be beyond my understanding. It’s a great game and all, but with so many game breaking glitches in play already and the potential for this one on the horizon, it’s a wonder that Melee tournaments work as well as they do.

This is like North Korea were to complain about being labeled a dictatorship. If you’re going to let your country be bought out by cartels, that’s one thing, but to then complain about an innocuous piece of fiction simply creating a setting based off their observation of that is pathetic.

Honestly this buff didn’t really make a difference in the first place. Bastion was garbage before it and only slightly less so afterwards. We won several comp games the other night simply because of the one guy on the other team who would always say to his buddies, “Guys don’t worry, Bastion’s OP now.”