
“We finish up the gallery with a pair of new The Witcher figures”

Clinton chose this outcome by rigging a primary and antagonizing millennials. Sure, Trump’s election is going to be disaster for all of us, but I’m not going to blame an entire country for the mistakes of someone who pretty much had the election handed to her on a silver platter and still choked.

So this is what’s turning my Wii U into a $300 paperweight? Lovely...

Uhh... I’ve played Overwatch for more time than I’d care to admit, and the Corpse Run comic left me clueless. Anyone here get it?

That picture of him with Ciri is awesome. Brought the Time of Contempt straight into my mind. The original scene was on a farm, though.

Because most voters think at the kindergarten level and are more likely to respond to that level of speech. If we had voters that actually cared, we wouldn’t have ended up with nominees like Clinton or Trump.

If it’s on private property, it’s his right to have the trailer there. Personally, our neighbors have got a big trailer that’s constantly on our street which blocks our view backing out. It shouldn’t be there, but we’ve learned to deal with it. People who make a big fuss out issues like these have too much time on

Gotta say, I had my doubts about Gen VII at first, but it’s actually starting to look pretty interesting in my opinion. Sure, genwunners can spend all day whining about how “the series has been ruined” and “nothing for the rest of eternity could ever compare to Kanto,” but it looks like they’ll just be missing out.

Can’t help but feel like that’s a comment from someone who hasn’t actually given all of the tanks enough play time. Winston’s an absolute beast up close in the right hands, as is Reinhardt. Zarya’s stupidly powerful, too, when her shields are managed well. D.Va’s an awesome flanker and distraction, but her weapons are

Up to you in the end, but it’s probably one of the best scenes in the series.

My feelings are more mixed. I like that we’re getting new games and that the new Zelda’s looking real nice, but I’m not happy at all that Nintendo’s dropping a new console like a moist dog crap on the carpet after I’ve only had my Wii U for barely a year.

I hate to sound melodramatic, but that was the most unimpressed I’ve been by a game teaser in a long time. I hope that gameplay changes my mind on this.

I’m sorry, but No Man’s Sky is absolutely NOTHING to get upset about in any way, shape or form right now. We’ve been shown practically none of the game, and as far as we know, this “infinite universe” could be a just be an empty expanse with nothing to do but run around in it. Believe me, I really want this game to be

I’m really tired of seeing posts like this. Clinton supporters keep whining, and whining, and whining about how Bernie’s “spoiling the race” by staying in because they can’t bear to face the idea that there are actually people on this planet who do not not want to vote for her and do not appreciate the DNC ramming

This is absolutely hilarious. You’re generalizing an entire generation, claiming that they have an inability to work and think for themselves, throwing out middle school insults at a man who’s accomplished more than you have and on top of that are so eloquently saying that they need to “grow the fuck up.” Sounds like

Not quite sure if this was the WORST experience I had at a store, but I remember that about a year ago I decided to kill some time by going into a GameStop while waiting for a friend to get off work at the mall. I was just browsing through 3DS games, and I start overhearing a conversation between the storeclerk and a