Adorabeezle Winterpop

I maintain that there is no such thing as an optional “Oxford” comma. There is, in fact, only one style of commas in a series that avoids ambiguity; any other approach is either sloppy or ignorant.

So disappointed in yesterday’s sex voters. Nowhere did it say that Dramatic Sex would be the only sex we could have.

Look, I hear and understand all the talk about pollination. BUT I personally don’t plan to outlive the food supply/ecosystem, so in the short time I remain on earth, I don’t want to shit in a hole. I’m gonna enjoy my plumbing and my unlimited time off as long as it’s not too terrifying and then make my exit via

I’m going to be so mad if dramatic sex wins. We have no birth control, we’re fighting for our lives, and people are just down to bone. No, I have a civilization to rebuild and zombies to murder, boy bye.

Every time we think we’ve seen the absolute worst of these conservatives, they find new ways to be horrific. They’re attacking teenagers who survived a mass murder. I can’t even comprehend it. They are attacking teenagers who survived a mass murder. It’s breathtaking. They have no God damned souls. Their voters are

I heard peeing on it helps, maybe that’s something else, but in his case I’d try it.

It’s infuriatingly telling that he regards American citizens lobbying their elected representatives to enact laws on behalf of their constituency as “looking to someone else solve their problem.” That’s literally the entire point of having elected representatives.

I think I’d start with the thoughts and prayers first. Several minutes of thoughts and prayers. Maybe an hour or so, even.

It’s totally his fault.

And this is what separates the average white dude from the rest of us:

More like the men who write these movies are obsessed with beautiful young girls who die so they don’t have to imagine them getting older and losing their
“appeal”, among other reasons.

If you use “Welcome to New York” in your wedding, you’re so basic that two drops of vinegar could incinerate you.

looks like someone here is in the pocket of big egg.

This week, Taylor Swift and her English boyfriend who may or may not dream of electric sheep,

I’d feel bad for her, except I don’t. She has earned our scorn and now theirs.

“You cannot be anti choice and feminist. Period.”

“Throughout the first half of the event the panelists talked about Planned Parenthood, complained that anti-abortion women had been ostracized by the Women’s March and had feminism stolen from them.”

Trick question! There are no women in heaven.

One of the other things that makes Killmonger such a compelling vision is that he has a tragic present as well as a tragic backstory. As T’Challa points out during their climactic fight, Killmonger wants to turn the colonizers’ weapons against them, but in taking control of Wakanda, he’s using the same destabilizing

My boys, baby and I skipped school today and saw the first showing at 10am. Theater was packed. My heart soared several times because, finally, I was watching a movie, not about pimps, hoes, slavery or drugs, but one were my 5 year olds cheered for heroes and booed villians that looked just like them. They saw a woman