Canada did it right: Gender neutral clothes.
Canada did it right: Gender neutral clothes.
The belt is horrid. The t-shirt colors are off. I don’t mind the yachtie look, but this is done poorly. And I like Ralph Lauren. Classic look, but this is uninspired.
Jezebel is dead. This comment section proves it. Victim blaming. Age shaming. Etc. What the fuck, people?
Wow! HOW FAR JEZEBEL and its readers HAVE FALLEN. Nobody is taking this seriously at all. The problem with this ad is, ONCE AGAIN, it’s showing that it’s the woman’s job to sexually pleasure a man. It’s nearly ALWAYS shown this way. Remember, ladies, it’s your job to titillate men and NEVER his job to titillate you.…
Here come the trolls who will say we shouldn’t worry about sexism in America if things are worse elsewhere. Also, Hillary Clinton was called a SuperWarrior Realist today by the press...anyone notice how Gawker is completely silent?? I hear grasshoppers chirping. If BS had been called that, they’d have an article front…
...and recognizes that choices don’t happen in a vacuum and women’s “choices” are often made through a system of reward and punishments that benefit men, harm women, and are part of the normative fabric of a sexist patriarchal culture.
Or they could bring in a professional who is trained to teach men about actions and consequences. It would be helpful make them sit through a women’s studies course so they could understand systemic oppression of women. Jameis is AA, so he should know about systemic oppression, but sometimes sexism is lost on those…
Hate Morning Joe. Hate it. I hope Hillary wins just to stick it to those a-holes.
Ignore that comment. It’s just another Bernie nut spreading lies. Of course these would be more mental health funding under Hillary. Unbelievable the amount of lies or ignorance those people spread.
disregard. it’s an april fools’ day joke. tg.
here are some tips: study and understand feminism. then write about it. people in sports seem to not get it so often that i fear what is to come. that said, so many feminists have abandoned jezebel because its content has become so anti-feminist that maybe you can’t do more damage than has already been done. good luck!
Oh, they’d criminalize abortion in a minute for women if they thought they wouldn’t lose laydee votes.
And it COULD be that his wife has said she doesn’t want women massaging her husband. I mean, we all think Travolta is in the closet, but if he’s not he may just be following a reasonable rule set by his wife.
Or this: Women’s words are enough to go to trial. Most cases that go to trial have very little physical evidence and rely on witness testimony. I think it’s terribly important that all rape cases are taken to trial. Too often, prosecutors dismiss these cases because they are he said she said, or the evidence isn’t…
Here’s something to feel good about: That jerk had to sit in trial and worry about going to prison. He had to worry about that for months. AND the world now knows he’s a rapist. His world will never be the same and that’s a good thing. When he walks down the street, women like me will utter “rapist” at him under our…
Ahhhh, but it’s really not about witness’s about changing our culture...a culture that neither respects no believes women. After working in court for a couple of decades, the ability of juries to believe rapists tell the truth about rape, or if the rapist doesn’t testify (they rarely do) that women…
It’s all oppression and I will attack it all. In your last statement you said I was a victim for calling out patriarchy and now above you are saying why not attack the actual oppression. Okay, that actual oppression is called patriarchy. I sooooo tire of men on this site pretending to be women. I think it’s time for…
No feminism is a joke. “We” don’t get to decide what is or isn’t a choice or is or isn’t empowering for all women. You misunderstand. Feminists are simply educating the public that choices made by women often have oppressive history. Women can “choose” to behave any way they want. I sure do, but it’s important to…
Dear “Mary Sue”...the point is very few of the “choices” women make in society are truly choices. They are made through conscious and subconscious filters of patriarchy, including conservative dress. My point is that patriarchy is a problem that needs to be eliminated. Feminists are doing that as we speak. All the…
It doesn’t matter if a man dresses up to sing because men are the dominant people in our society. They can be anything and generally not be punished, and are mostly rewarded. Of course, if they act or look like women they may be punished, but even that is changing. Those who benefit from patriarchy don’t reap the same…