
Yes, in a patriarchal society, most things that impact the “othered” group is objectification, disempowerment, oppression, etc. That’s the whole point.

You clearly don’t understand systemic oppression. Men who do this aren’t oppressed. Women who do are because of the systemic disenfranchising of women through objectification. See, if we objectify men, they still maintain their status of privilege.

Most importantly, her appearance shouldn’t matter if she has this singing talent. We must stop our society from demanding that women titillate and men can just sing. Ever see a man dressed up to sing? Nope. If they do, they wear a tuxedo that covers their whole body. This type of dressing is the result of centuries

The problem is that someone with such talent shouldn’t have to cater to titillating others. This is historical and tradition in a society that objectifies women. It’s highly problematic, even if she chooses to look sexy. It’s not a choice for women. It’s our role in society as dictated by men.

Or an even better question is: Why do women with such talent need to constantly play the “who’s the prettiest? game.”

Most importantly, we need to ask ourselves why famous and wealthy women, women with true talent, must always perform femininity and/or cater to the male gaze. True empowerment for women, including a feminist like Ariana Grande, comes when a woman with talent can perform that talent without having to dress up in any

I am disappointed President Obama didn’t appoint another woman who has a clear interest in women’s issues. I understand why the president selected this person, but we really need more women. He really could have made a statement by electing another woman. Anyway, he’s a great president, so it’s all good. I just hope

Additionally, women shouldn’t have to tolerate ANY form of sexual harassment at work EVER. Work isn’t your dating pool. Oh, and women can see “your kind” a mile away. Why is it that these guys always put off a totally skeezy vibe. BTW, you know the best way to avoid restaurants with sexist old men who harass women

It’s interesting that men still think this behavior is okay. I find it extra disgusting when the men are between 40 and 55. They think they are still sexy, but the young women mostly think “ew, gross! he’s the same age as my dad!” I remember being 22 and dating a 32-year-old man. I thought he was ancient. This seems

Hillary has been speaking about women’s rights for 30 years. I am tired of people pretending her life long work supporting women doesn’t exist.

Second Clue: He slammed Planned Parenthood. Yeah, dude, if you slam PP then you really don’t understand “wimminz” issues.

As I’ve said all along, they are the MRA trolls, rapists, and misogynists that have been cruising Jezebel forever. They come here to bother women. Saying they are voting for Trump doesn’t bother us (they think), but challenging Hillary for the nomination obviously does. They were only here to cause trouble. Anyone who

Yeah, we know. Waaaaaaaaaaaah!