
I don’t think the majority of his supporters are the Bernie Bro, I think the most vocal, narrow minded and bigoted of his supporters are though and Hillary won’t reach them. She won’t. I think she should continue with her platform and not pander to fringe groups.

Troll better.

Yet. But when you dox people because they don’t agree with you and try to send a mob over to change someone’s mind, well, that’s fucked up Trump like behavior. No two ways about it.

This is the Bernie Bro phenomenon in a nutshell: a good-enough idea (pointing out the superdelegate system is fundamentally undemocratic) runs into an obnoxious social media tactic, helmed by someone who seems like a bit of a dick.

This is the problem with a lot of 3rd wave “choice” feminism that sees anything as feminist as long as it’s the choice of a woman. I know that litmus tests have their own sets of problems, but unless there are certain things that either are or are not feminist, we end up with this sort of thing: Women Now Empowered by

So this is what it looks like when journalists finally start vetting Sanders, huh?

I dream of a world where law enforcement tipping off the subject of an investigation of a violent crime like this is grounds for losing your fucking job, no questions asked, at the very fucking least.

it’s not ok to make a pass at someone in a professional setting. she was there to give an interview, not a date. ghomeshi is a fucking scumbag and people like you baffle me.

Wouldn’t it be faster at this point to just list chefs that haven’t been accused of assault and/or harassment?

Wow. Sounds like every restaurant I ever worked in (usually as the lone female chef).

I ditto on this. I am a woman in tech and whenever I have to hire, I advocate strongly on behalf of having a more equal gender balance (i.e. I push that we hire women ). I’m also lucky that I have a very unbiased boss who seems very gender blind (My group has roughly equal men to women despite being more technical in

It’s almost like *gasp* she actually means the shit she says in regards to gender equality and wants to promote it.

Uh, on what planet does Hillary Clinton not care about or address equal pay? I know Bernie Sanders fan don’t like her, at all, but you can’t just make shit up about her record. She introduced the Paycheck Fairness Act and cosponsored the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act for christ’s sake.

no it doesn’t. women aren’t in positions of influence in his campaign. That is a huge red flag if you care about gender equality.

Right? LOLOLOL And people keep telling me gender doesn’t matter. Go on Hillary you keep doing the do while everyone tries to say they’re feminists - you’re actually PAYING the women. Go on Hill!

ten highest paid staffers on Bernie Sanders’ campaign, not a single one is a woman.

The results for Bernie illustrates my problem with him. He talks a great game but he doesn’t exactly inspire by his actions. Focusing on economic issues while overlooking systemic discrimination and unconscious biases is going to result in white males benefiting the greatest. I’m not comfortable with taking a backseat

Hmmm, women in positions of power hire more women. LOOK AT THAT!

He wrote that rape essay in his 30s. 40 years ago but maybe he's not as progressive as people think he is when it comes to gender roles. I mean, put your money where your mouth is. Doesn't seem as if the guy values women equally.

Near-parity between genders on campaign staff? Imagine that!