
Oh of course not. Rhetorical question and all...but I love your passion!!!

His “oh!” Face

Why am I not surprised?

Yes. Burn down the political opposition to Republicans. Great idea.

Reactions like yours are why national politics is as dysfunctional as it is.

And there’s no way Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination!

That shit will get leaked by morning. I live in among Trump troglodytes and I sense in conversations that they are starting to shit their republipants about the consequences of what they’ve done.

Maybe somebody could focus on Putin Le Pen in Trump! Amirite? Who’s with me?

Trump, Putin, Le Pen. That’s an interesting axis of world leaders.

He is absolutely aware of that.

Um...who is this guy and where can I see more of him? Asking for a friend...

(Not my opinion; I’m just supplying the GIF.)

I don’t know if Skyfall is better (it’s close), but it is, at the very least, a good movie. Craig, Dame Judi, Ralph Fiennes, Javier Bardem, Naomie Harris, and Albert Finney—what could possibly be wrong in any of that?

Nope, LGBTQ romances and documentaries.

I mean, I’m not judging, but do y’all normally wear lingerie to Christmas parties? I go a slightly different route during the holiday shindig season, myself:

The President of The United States just said in his press conference that “Ronald Reagan would be rolling in his grave” if he knew that today the republican President-elect was sympathetic to a former KGB agent Russian President and that 30% of republican voters are also agreeable with Putin...

Watching President Obama’s last press conference.

I meant to add that if we’re looking toward CA, I am far more excited about Kamala Harris someday running than I am of Gavin Newsom.

I calles some dude Tom Selleck the other night, he took is as a compliment. So don’t know.