
I’m so fucking sick of people trashing Madonna. You don’t like her, fine whatever. But I don’t get why it’s ok to call her old, ugly, washed up, crazy, trying to’s MADONNA. She hasn’t changed who she is almost 40 years and she’s not going to. As women we should applaud her for not giving in to the constant

I’m down, and if he and Colin Powell want to spend the interim 4 years doing a reality show where they race cars all across the USA, meeting constituents and solving the occasional crime, I’m down with that, too.

Love ya, Uncle Joe, but you’re 74, and will be 78 in 2020. Time for the torch to pass to a new generation. Find a good candidate and put your moral weight behind him or her.

Mr. Finger up where?

At least she’s honest.

Except that he promised to visit Pakistan. Which actually is an important diplomatic act. Obama refused to visit Pakistan to show his discontent with the inability of their leaders to control the Taliban and their continued aggressive acts towards india. Did he consciously mean to reverse long-standing US foreign

“International Federation of Bodybuilding president Rafael Santonja”

I’m sure the residents of Youngstown, Ohio will save up to buy a copy so they have something to read when they wait for Trump to bring them jobs that are not coming back. They’ll be anxious to read what Gucci and Burberry has in store for their Sping/Summer 2017 collection.

Trump’s idea of “doing well” means taking rights away from a lot of people. So no, I don’t hope he does well.

The Alt-Left can go to hell along with their soulmates, the Alt-Right. Populism is the danger. The only hope for our country, one that gives everyone equal rights and provides for their safety, is a progressive/centrist party that uses science and reason to guide its policies.

Nate Silver’s model was the only one which gave Trump a good chance of winning. Take it up with the Huffington Post and Sam Wang; they gave Clinton close to a 99% chance of winning....

When I saw Hector strapped to that bed, I immediately began Phase One of my “saving $40,000" plan. Wait for me, baby!

Some how, in my mind, Hillary has gone from being my political candidate of choice to, like, my mom. I want to be like her, and I will fuck someone up to defend her.

In happier news, a woman who was born prior to women being allowed to vote just cast her ballot for Hillary Clinton. It’s pretty incredible to think all that this woman has seen in her lifetime and that she is alive today to not only vote but for the first female presidential candidate.

(which, btw, I think is white non-sense... if I want to be terrified on purpose, I’d just go to a Trump rally)

Between the human asshole that is Donald, an actual Weiner, and reminders of Bill’s inability to keep it in his pants, it has never been clearer why we need more women in power.

maybe its framed as her own story? i don’t know. while her mom is clearly wrong, i can’t help but feel sympathy for her.

Every goddamn year, I open this story LIKE A SUCKER while I’m on the toilet pooping. And now I’m afraid to move.