“People have a long memory, and anger against a nation doesn’t just magically dissipate when their regime falls.”
“People have a long memory, and anger against a nation doesn’t just magically dissipate when their regime falls.”
Yes, America 2017 is EXACTLY THE SAME as Nazi Germany.
Donating to the ACLU as I type
The United States is absolutely not an easy - or cheap - place to migrate to, when it comes to its policies and procedures.
Almost 40% of Latinos are / see themselves / identify as white:
Obviously the first in line is Mike Pence, who is as if the crazy religious zealot from Contact got old.
Obviously the first in line is Mike Pence, who is as if the crazy religious zealot from Contact got old.
Really? Because Bernie won the platform and she ran on plenty of his economic messages + he endorsed her.
Um... Can y’all chill your shit...? I trust Viola with her choices.
Why do we hate Ben Affleck again?
*Leans into the mic*
Fuck this Chavismo apologist (Ciccariello)
The President of The United States just said in his press conference that “Ronald Reagan would be rolling in his grave” if he knew that today the republican President-elect was sympathetic to a former KGB agent Russian President and that 30% of republican voters are also agreeable with Putin...
You’re determined to finish 2016 by plunging into the dark side of the pool, aren’t you?
I need me some Tammy Duckworth, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren presidential primaries please!
You’re absolutely right!!!! THANKS!
Love you, Rich. But this is a bullshit story. FiveThirtyEight was the ONLY forecasting site that gave Trump a 30% chance of winning. That’s a 1-in-3 probability. He acknowledged the high degree of uncertainty in the polling all along. And he was right!