
Trump does not merely grab pussies. HE DESTROYS BUSHES!

Plz you is giving dog a concern

I just want Hillary to come out and say: “I’ve had it with being blamed for everything a Republican president did while I was in the Senate. If i had voted against the Iraq war we would still have gone to war because of all the other senators that voted for it. If I had been president at the time, we would not have

They are entirely justified.

Sorry, I have a lot of feelings.


Black culture is American. It is created by Americans for, primarily, other Americans. Sometimes different kinds of Americans like it. Too often different kinds of Americans are scared of it. Sometimes the rest of the world copies it and when they do, they call it American and perceive it as American because that’s

What gives you the impression that “black culture” isn’t PART of America? And what about wanting to improve America (by making it a better place for more of its people to exsit in) is a rejection of it?

Isolationism bent on civil rights? What does this even mean?

I’m always left with the why. Why would someone want to live there? It seems more like a place to walk through (carefully, without touching anything) and be photographed (carefully, without touching anything) than where you sprawl out on the couch to watch House of Cards.

I thought Scandinavians were more relaxed abot sex, homosexuality, chauvinism, feminism, equality, but no... they are weird too, like almost all the world.

Chris Brown tweeted: “Not to sound cliche but, I REALLY BELIEVE WE ALL HAVE SOMETHING TO OFFER.”

Viola Davis acted the SNOT outa’ that!

“Never usually”

My response would be:

If it had been Selina Meyer, Gary would have been all over this.

uhhh justin theroux is not creepy

Day 1: Amal lets Brad know he’s more than welcome and she and George are “here” for him.

Please respect cows’ rights to remain anonymoos.