
Sam Bee is not obligated to support your quixotic dream of remaking our democracy at the expense of our actual democracy.

Yay, another Venezuelan :D

But that’s just it: An unwanted hug helps no one, and only makes the person who doesn’t want it feel uncomfortable with the forced physical contact. Everyone is different and needs a different level of personal space. I think it’s polite and compassionate to attempt to respect people’s wishes.

The problem is that Americans don’t kiss to greet. A kiss greeting is great because you touch the other person so it’s warm but it’s not as intimate as a hug. Also, those people who give strangers and acquantances hugs usually do the awkward white girl hug with their pelvises sticking out and a light shouder touch and

i usually hug hello/goodbye all my friends and also do a cheek kiss

I live in Latin America. We kiss people hello and goodbye (once, on the cheek). Even at work. I find that much more bearable than some semi-stranger squeezing my torso. Baffles me that Americans think the kissing is worse.

Lo siento. :(

Triste! :(

Me manos es gigante, Hillarys’s manos es poquito. Malo!

SETI means *Search* for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

Being voted the most boring woman in Britain is the highest compliment one can ever hope to achieve.

Stop raining on my gay-for-pay parade!

Looking forward to the Genital Election.

Now playing

Had such a ginger boner for this guy...then I saw that he was in these cheesy commercials for Wyndham...then my boner grew bigger, stronger, and gingier than before!

This looks like the set of the new gay porn spectacular by Sean Cody.