
Datusn 240Z

Nah, he’s white.

When I was a kid I played the accordion. I wrote “Weird” Al a fan letter that was basically.

No Canadian could ever survive a night in Philadelphia. Robot or otherwise.

This is why stigmatizing abortion and reducing access needs to stop.

You can also join the NYPD and use the selfie stick to abuse detainees.

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You totally forgot the best one from E3 2013:

Why would anybody ruin a perfectly good Toyota product, one proven to be virtually indestructible, by putting GM garbage in it? CP.

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Plus it features one of the most realistic medieval combat in movies or series ever.

He's white, dummy.

Didn’t West Virginia also pass a rule about a year ago that took away its generous EV tax credit? It was formerly the state with the top EV tax credit ($7,500 state income), and then POOF! It may have been restored though; I’m not sure.

An old but fantastic real time war game called Close Combat 5. Think X-Com team management with with WWII infantry in a birds eye view. You send orders, teams have personalities, can panic, refuse bad orders, and fight heroically, in real time.

My greatest victory earned the Medal of Honor in game, I should say, they