
Part of me really wants to know what "football his face" means. Punt? Kick? Extra Point? So many options really.

Why write this post? It explains nothing and just links to another article about the actual subject. Gizmodo used to be so much better, now its just the "nerdy" (if that) version of BuzzFeed.

Uhh. There's a horse, standing on two legs behind your car.

Not sure that's necessarily true. Vader is shown meditating without his mask in Empire Strikes Back so arguably he can survive without his mask for at-least a short period of time with the aid of the force.

Because a splash of red right there does wonders for the composition. Enjoy art! :)

Does seem to be missing one period....


That's right! He got back at the Irish state. . . by punching a French painting?

except you need to shut your dirty whore mouth

Dick physics have a long way to go before they can match boob physics.

That's Rob Stark, granted they do look alike on GoT.

Those are not TIE pilots.

So, let me get this straight: Missori cops want to punish black men for putting their hands up and saying "Don't shoot." Hrm.

you know what I find offensive? 18 year olds getting shot and prosecutors intentionally throwing the case

Oh for fuck's sake, Mormons.

I was 14 when this came out and it literally blew my little mind away that the space scenes in this movie were rendered by a freaking computer. Remember, to most people of the day, computers were green monochrome screens with 80 columns of text and little else.

You stupid, bro?

"Jon Stark has died at age 4 after a period of illness"