
The Area 88 Anime with its early 2000 techno beats deserves a mention.  

Still laughing how they pretty much took the One Punch Man character for Wraith.

Did we forget about the Scion yellow?

Looks like the home owner got tired of that guy running over his lawn to me.

Why go through the trouble of storage when crematoriums are all around them.

No medal for Chewie, best friend for 50 years dies doesn’t even get the Millennium Falcon after blood, sweat, and tears. Chewie can do whatever the hell he wants.

I just landed in Tokyo on vacation for two weeks. Is Tokyo Game Show public or an industry only event?

Kinda disappointed these guys were not reviewed

Cataclysm had some of the best voice acting I’ve heard in any game. “One ancient monster is as good as another!” It game play was solid. It has a special place in my collection.

You can always accidentally tip over and crack the screen. Univision has money.

I have a soft spot for dusting off old technology to beat the bad guy and multinational cooperation, like Independence Day. 2012 Battleship wasn’t a complete bag of poop.

I wish the menu system was more immersive Borderlands or anything with ingame screens.

Seems like the universe loves those snake monsters/threshers no matter where you are.

Hahahaha isn’t EA based out of Los Angeles?

Closest to the 90s Roger Wilco games we’ll get in a while.

I guess they couldn’t get the budget for more licenses or a new ip. They went to plan b.

Sounds like a tradeoff, less suicides more accidental deaths, it is a cliff and people buried in their phones.