The Area 88 Anime with its early 2000 techno beats deserves a mention.
The Area 88 Anime with its early 2000 techno beats deserves a mention.
Did we forget about the Scion yellow?
Looks like the home owner got tired of that guy running over his lawn to me.
Show this to the Jalopnik guys and they can tell you about Mullholland Drive.
I just landed in Tokyo on vacation for two weeks. Is Tokyo Game Show public or an industry only event?
America gets a downgrade when 17 million Americans think chocolate milk comes from brown cows and denies climate change. So I’m ok with Merkel as the new Leader of the Free World. Especially with America’s level of incarceration.…
Cataclysm had some of the best voice acting I’ve heard in any game. “One ancient monster is as good as another!” It game play was solid. It has a special place in my collection.
You can always accidentally tip over and crack the screen. Univision has money.
I wish the menu system was more immersive Borderlands or anything with ingame screens.
Seems like the universe loves those snake monsters/threshers no matter where you are.
Hahahaha isn’t EA based out of Los Angeles?
Closest to the 90s Roger Wilco games we’ll get in a while.
I guess they couldn’t get the budget for more licenses or a new ip. They went to plan b.
Sounds like a tradeoff, less suicides more accidental deaths, it is a cliff and people buried in their phones.
So much for the US military for all those military bases in Japan. They never lift a finger in these Godzilla movies, lol.
Are old style tvs being used for some reason?
Kinda happy that they still use the older GTR models. That looks like an R33
Did they have to use such an awful soundtrack to produce those videos?