
Was he one of the guys who helped foster the toxic environment that Blizzard had for so long? You know, extreme crunch periods and straight up sexual abuse against workers? As well as the company protecting the people causing all those issues?

This “mustang’ runs down the most sophisticated of spectators.

Looks more like Chris Pine. I approve.

Didn’t we already have a video game that was inspired by Heart of Darkness?

You’d be real bored and would probbaly have to actually fuck the theocracy itself.

I think we all know which commenter is in the pocket of Big Breakfast

It would be way more fun if they were a subsidiary of LexCorp, which would lend itself to some Better Off Ted style satire.

Yeah. Tone’s a bit OP right now. It needs to be...

Wait for it...

Toned down.

How on earth am I supposed to carry ladies and gentlemen? I’m not a fucking bus.

But where the hell do you keep those hats in a Volkswagen Scirocco from the ‘80s?

I’d play the hell out of an open world teen witch road trip game.

He Kobayashi Maru’d it like a boss

It’s highhhh noon.

Who the fuck didn’t clear their weapon for a demonstration? Or did they think using live rounds during one was a good idea?

Yeah, that last image is straight up Calibretto from Battle Chasers:

Oh my god, it could have been called WareHouse of the Dead.

If you just get a job, you can make $1000+ in a month.

The popular running is for Stephen Lang. I think even he said he’d be thrilled for the role.