
Has comic books ever answered the superhero costume boner problem? I have never come across anything that talked about that issue.

Where did they get all those real car models. Toyota, VW, Ford, and I think that was a Lincoln.

Tim Curry

Sgt: "Sorry Hammer 6-1, I should have told you about the Raiders of the Lost Ark boulder."

Now playing

Hahahah I can finally live out "The Night The Reindeer Died"

I'm impressed but also a bit disappointed that it did not cut the sandwiches with ultrasonic vibrations, just a plain old cutting blade.

How much would a cyber security upgrade cost vs green lighting any more Adam Sandler movies?

Will this be handled as federal terrorism charges or just a local criminal attack?

Gladiator is quite up there in terms of classic storytelling and true to Classic Hollywood Cinema.

100 feet into the air isn't space, I haven't really seen any launch glitches like Fallout or GTA.

"Faster and quieter than anyone..."
Makes noise, alerts all terrorists in the room.

It's always going to be Jayne

So who would be on the qualified pilot status? Roy Fokker seems pretty reliable.

Does that include the 30% pay gap between male writers?

I get it, these guys are GMO Raptors. Geneticists said 'we don't need no stinkin' feathers'.

In the Army Now was a great movie, and was honestly fairly accurate for reservists in basic training in the 90s.

Did I miss something in the anime? When did they get RPGs and bows and arrows?