
Why does the cartoon have to be a black man?

Wow stun guns, why not real guns? Oh yeah he's white.

No apocalypse scenario can go without a Street Preacher.

whomp whomp

Can math really considered riddles?

The Navy adopted the right shoulder US Flag as well?

What's the story behind Riccitiello, I don't follow much but heard his name before. Is he considered the face behind EA's big corp image or what?

Are there people on board when this happens?


Was the Punisher movies too early for his cameos?

Would this really happen or the resistance of so many bodies and objects would be able to slow it down?

"I'm glad we renamed it Climate Change instead of Global Warming because I'm freezing my ass off."

Can't they just tone up the anti-japanese rhetoric to sell more consoles?

So he ejaculates 100 times a day or orgasm as in some sort of spasm?

Can't HESCOs be used in the same way?

Nothing a few disabilities lawsuit threats can't fix.

I see how he never took any pictures after grinding it because he probably scratched the lens to hell.

Karate or Judo?