Honestly. The articles LOUD exclusion of non-whites made it seem like a plea to rich white americans to, because they're going to have to accept that brown people are people too, to at least try and save the poor white folks.
Honestly. The articles LOUD exclusion of non-whites made it seem like a plea to rich white americans to, because they're going to have to accept that brown people are people too, to at least try and save the poor white folks.
This sounds frighteningly similar to something a friend did with her boyfriend around the 14/15 year old mark. Saran wrap. I am glad i thought it was just as ridiculous then as I do now. Wow indeed.
The Name of the Wind for REAL. I'm slightly disappointed you failed to mention that, like A Song Of Ice and Fire, it is EXTREMELY well written. It belongs to that breed of similar, non-cringe-inducing fantasy prose that makes its likable by and accessible to a wider range of readers.
Snooki needs to keep drinking and panty flashing to shove it to annoying guido boyfriend requests including "Don't drink tonight". Snooki will do what she wants, Jionni.
The map and the data in your article aren't quite consistent. Would have also been much more interesting if you differentiated between likely conflicts and actual existing ones.
What? Nobody else has shit to say about some new dish service, because nobody gives a shit. Not even that poor Kangaroo fetus. You wouldn't to be held that close to that walrus either, especially in Vegas heat.
Wow, this seems to be in INCREDIBLY poor taste.
She has a really challenging time configuring her face under most faucets. Its hilarious. She likes drinking out of a separate water glass that we keep near her bowl. She doesn't love the water we keep in the bowl. I think she just likes variety. Sometimes she hits the toilet when she doesn't think anyone is watching.
Yes this is news to me. I like kitten (thats her name, naming cats is silly) she is good and super sweet. We imagine her inner voice to be that of a 16 year old girl who is always so embarrassed of her parents. i.e. OH MY GODDDD YOU GUYSSS YOU'RE SOOO EMMMBARRRASSSINNGGGGG
Oh man, question in my previous comment answered. Butthole sauna for cats. Super.
Whats the deal with the cats in the tubs/sinks? Mine (my boyfriend's really, but she an I are now roommates-4-life, so) stalks outside the bathroom when I shower, then jumps in the tub as soon as I'm done, and has the same look on her face as the cat in the post.
Pretty sure it was one of those browsers that came on millions of Gateway and Dude You're Getting a Dell computers, who's owners weren't keen on updating their browsers.
While I continue to put off gizmodos excellent advice telling me to make boozy gummy bears (i'll get around to it), I did just netflix the first episode, and will be watching the rest this weekend.
SO incredibly down with the capes. More capes! My NYE wardrobe dilemma is solved, by capes.
"and crazy, rich bastards will be able to pay a Russian company $59,000 to take a submarine down to the site of the wreckage."
Whoever is in that headline picture is ruining EVERYTHING.
Good for her. The attitudes that exist, even in the US, towards women on maternity leave are nauseating. I heard a whole conversation in public once between two men about how they were going to fire a woman on maternity leave using some bullshit loophole that allowed them to let her go while she was away on leave,…
All of this would be lovely, if people could take time off, be parents, and not worry about their economical situation. It's pretty challenging to maintain a household, pay rent, eat, maintain health etc, even with a good job and a fair salary, even in a couple where both work. Adding another human being into the…
I pretty much just died right now. More belly stretches!