My main motivation for buying an ipad is all the fun and confused looks I will earn from my cat beast and her endless batting at the glass....
My main motivation for buying an ipad is all the fun and confused looks I will earn from my cat beast and her endless batting at the glass....
Nice appearance by Miss Columbia!! He's always where its happening.
Don't give in on the dog! My uncles have gotten dogs for their daughters the last few years and it's just terrible. Not only do these little girls get exactly what they want, but the animals are little shits. Don't bring more little shits into your life, Drew.
This sort of thing is what made the internet any fun at all to begin with.
No way man, its good fun. This is what originally made the internet any fun at all.
Lots of people start with 33. It's an excellent, "wait, what the fuck" gateway episode. I was these people in July 2010 when it was too hot to leave my bedroom, so I didn't.
They're all just probably sick of the side effects from whatever psychoactive substance their parents put them on the first day of Jr. High to 'manage their moods'
No, its pretty silly to say you are sorry she got caught in the rain. My SO does this too, and I respond similarly.
It's...a blog. Furthermore, it's a blog about a game. A video game, about cheating.
I think primarily suggesting female-oriented YA to a young girl is an easy but terrible thing to do. Please don't pigeonhole this person's literary experience. Some books I read in middle school (independent of school lists) that were not marketed towards me, that probably were seriously formative. They are mostly…
just googled "quiverfull" and the fact that there is a group of people who liken their offspring to projectile weapons to be released out into the world is super creeps.
Yes, it smells like expensive meats and cheeses and coffees (I'm assuming thats what you're referring to)
Hate this. So gross. Thats a beautiful space and its a fucking apple retail location. It really deserves to be something less wholesome, like another cocktail lounge.
Isn't this what that movie "A Christmas Story" is all about...expectations, and them not being met? That's pretty much every day of life. Them being disillusioned by real life toy vs TV toy is a really important lesson...that you shouldn't feel responsible for exposing them to it.
This attitude, both the "family line" and the four girls in their teens, is bullshit. The whole trope with dads answering their door with a gun in hand just perpetuates the idea of women as property, and i hate it so much.
As one of four (pretty much sequential) girls, I cringe with how offensive it is every time, upon learning this, an individual will say "your poor father".
I mean, common sense should dictate, but my bc is glorious and I dont get a period while on it. This is fabulous, except I have no actual evidence that its working, in the form of a period.
A flowchart themed, "Should I Take A Pregnancy Test" and also "Do I Need Backup Birth Control" for instances when you fuck up your pill taking, but you're not sure how bad.
Huge difference dude. Huge.
As a girl who plays games, the last flavor of Asshole on XBL listed in the article is by far the worst. It's not particularly difficult to ignore jabs and jibes from dudes just being jerks, but the vitriol that gets spewed towards other Girls On The Internet is severely eye-roll inducing.