Alex Cannon

Fables on AMC. Do it.

The problem here is that defining something as weird is a judgement, and its really subjective.

@bklyn155: I've heard this. All black for the immediate fam, everyone else should wear a white shirt, splash or grey, some shit like that.

@supercalifragilisticexpialidoc...: a- the fuck-men.

@HelloKitty: Its loosely associated with actually celebrating that you are not rid of that individual. This is just lore and rumor, obviously, but well known enough.

When my father died this past winter I remembered only noticing how my Aunt had the uncanny ability to ruin a perfectly normal skirt suit with the most atrocious shoes imaginable, every time. Think, orthopedic nun-gear.

How I've Dealt With Every Thanksgiving/Christmas as an adult: "Just expect it and go into there loaded to the nines on Klonopin if you've got some, white wine if you don't. Then laugh at everything."

The best thing the story does is drive home the fact that poor Christine O'Donnell has some things to work out when it comes to her sexual health (mentally! emotionally!), and that she chose the wrong fuckin platform to run on.

totes look like starbuck:

Fuck Yea.

I was gonna roll up into this thread bitching how Jezebel is nothing but a bunch of channers....but i lolled.

@Kenyakarma: Yes, you are right. I am 10x more terrified of a horse than i am of any cat.

God. I'm terrified of cats. They are not of this world. They don't operate like other mammals. No circadian rhythm, did you know that?

@OnTheLevel: I'm not into labels, man. At the time, there were no trans students in the school.

We had a 'mix and match' day during spirit week that turned into an unofficial cross dressing day. I remember 2 things:

@NefariousCAT: However they want! If you're mature enough to recognize and begin expressing your needs and desires as a transgendered person, I'd hope you also had the good humor and confidence to choose to either decide how YOU would dress on a day like this, or choose to simply not participate, as I'm sure many kids

You're just encouraging them.