At first I thought Apple just copied the design of the omnia. But this is just crazy.
At first I thought Apple just copied the design of the omnia. But this is just crazy.
@Arken: the same people who pay for at&t "service"
"Tu Stultus Es"
@DfizzleShizzle: I saw this and was wondering why giz hadn't already put out an article with a screenshot and a title
What ever happened to Infa Red treatment?
Was he not holding it in his left hand at the time?
@w1llk - Undoubtedly Cookies: He must have had a new flavor of gatorade
That sync app sounds interesting....
@DaftIngenuity: Hope Matt reads this
WIIMOKNCT or we mock Kinnect?
@Frizkie: Have you seen the new xbox? it has built in wifi. and since when is a 100mb Ethernet connection a handicap?
10. Google reader is fantastic, why do I need anything else.
I still can't see how this can work well
This is BS. how can you charge someone for using someone else's bandwidth because yours doesn't work? There has to be anti- trust in this somewhere.
@Alexander Riccio: Ok... I honestly have to apoligize first for the triple post BUT here is 36,000
@Lord_Data: Here is 10,000: .... there is one that says 100,000 barrels but its just a rick roll
@minibeardeath: if you load too many barrels into cry engine, it will take FOREVER to render.
@sentroshi: That show is basically the only reason I ever listen to radio anymore!
Even Better:
@DaCapin: Can you write for gizmodo?