Alexander Riccio

The “not really” part is important. Leaded gasoline is a massive public health threat as great as a Zika pandemic. There’s a good reason why only Iraq* & North Korea still use it.

A nihilist store was robbed. Nothing of value was taken.

A *custom* Linux build might be even worse, as there’s little chance that you’d get it right.

You’d be good at The Onion ;)

Lmfao... I’d hit Cancel on that one!

Remember, requiring a judge’s signature on a warrant isn’t THAT much of a protection.

CP != child molester, in absolute terms. You also can’t encrypt the physical act of molesting. That, like any (effectively) violent crime, has a necessary human component.

FYI, IIRC, in that case, the cop asked the guy to show his driver’s license, and the guy (seeing the gun-pointing cop demanding it) scrambled to get it. Cop shot him.

Not sure what happened to the super long comment I typed here on my phone, but basically:

Here in America, is 3 really that many? ;)

In americ

AND, the phone is worse, because evil activity looks just like normal activity - a burglar smashing your windows is very visible, and not something that happens normally.
Accessing sensitive digital information happens hundreds of times per minute, and it's thus much less obvious when done for evil purposes.

No, if you were going to fix it, you’d have used "will" instead of "may".

*hits cancel*

“Please enter some content." fucking hit Cancel? Really?

Nothing new here. It's laughable that phenylephrine was sold in the first place.

Now playing

Grr. My posts are all “pending approval”.

Now playing

At a smaller scale, Dyson already HAS done this:

Not terrible NEW news, these guys also brought us the pulse-detection-by-video software.