The “not really” part is important. Leaded gasoline is a massive public health threat as great as a Zika pandemic. There’s a good reason why only Iraq* & North Korea still use it.
The “not really” part is important. Leaded gasoline is a massive public health threat as great as a Zika pandemic. There’s a good reason why only Iraq* & North Korea still use it.
A nihilist store was robbed. Nothing of value was taken.
"The fact that dopamine has opposing effects in different parts of brain is an interesting, and in fact troublesome, finding. Many existing psychotropic medications—for instance, those used to treat attention-deficit disorder—affect absolute dopamine levels. This finding suggests that shifting dopamine distribution…
IT IS "BASED ON"!! not "Based off"!!!
Subjects were trained on contrast detection of Gabor targets under backward masking conditions, posing temporal constraints on the visual processing. The training covered a range of spatial frequencies and orien- tations that were modified in accordance with the performance improvement. Subjects were trained in a dark…
Remind anybody else of Pummelvision?
Looks like somebody needs to take some lithium
Maybe this has something to do with primitive reflexes?
I just got an invite code to try one.
See: []
Howabout a lil' Finasteride?
But this wasn't AES 256?
This is quite the shaky situation.