Alexander Riccio

What could possibly go wrong?

Bring Back Leaded Gas!

“I’ll get Chrysler to make the fastest cars ever! They’ll be so fast, you won’t even believe it. They’ll be the best, fastest cars made with the biggest, best engines ever created. Believe me, I know cars better than the car company CEOs do”.

But Trump’s base thrives on the shiny and sparkling short term return. Damn the future.

Not to mention the fact that European emission and efficiency standards aren’t going away any time soon — in fact they will tighten even further regardless of what Trump does.

Emissions standards! Terrible, just terrible. I will remove them! Good idea, great idea, okay? Very smart. The EPA, it’s a lie, liar! I’ll negotiate a better deal, the best deal, a better deal than has ever been negotiated before, the best. I alone will fix it.

Cool! Chrysler can bring back the dual quad 426 Hemi! Now if only we can get rid of those pesky safety regs, air bags, what a waste!

It's kinda odd that someone finally gets in trouble for sending an unsolicited dick pic and it's a woman, huh?

How do you propose a civilian, with no inside knowledge of police activity, request any particular story get greater coverage?

I was going to make a snarky response about how we use things like “dialing”, or “films” or any other number of analog terms to describe newer technology, but I actually have a much more serious question - What does this do for laws prohibiting “texting” and driving? Here’s the Wisconsin statute:

In the world of stock photos, the contrast between Generic Lady with Headset and Crazy Office Guy pretty much sums up this year’s Republican primary.

And the one below it? 😮

Turns out the real answer is actually pretty funny: Jeb considered himself the “tortoise” of the race, and kept a toy turtle with him to remind him of that, I guess. He gave them away to supporters.

In many ways, Jeb was the “generic woman with headset” of the Republican candidates. This is quite fitting.

Related links... Haha

Oh cripes, I can’t unseen that thing. No. Just no.

Nightmares! I’m going to have A LOT of nightmares now!

0-5 time = -0.3 second