Alexander Riccio

Forza 3 ... $30

They used Firefox in their demo? AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA. haha.

@Skyjumper: (if your using chrome) just type "cache:" in front of the URL. Worked for me.

@Limbero: Apparently there is an urban dictionary definition of it.

Did we crash the article on GMail's intrusion detection feature?

Either jailbreak or use another phone. Totally possible, but also impossible to enforce.

@bender123: Yes! Its magical and revolutionary. It can adapt to serve any function with little configuration! All you need to get started is a $500 apple certified pen.

What? I'm Totally confused.

You guys should put the new xbox on here for $0 just to show off.

@SkelatorDan: Which part? The design or the gaming?

Wow gizmodo! you guys are really firing off those posts!

Great! now just gimme those awesome visuals as a screensaver for my pc.

@kris2lee: You mean stupid reasons like security?


This should come with the windows performance toolkit. As a matter of fact, MSFT should buy this and include it in windows.

@golferal: They are angry at Microsoft because they are using an OS that was released nearly ten years ago? If they want security, they should get with the times.

@Hooray4Zoidberg: in case somthing bad happens, they might have to shoot it down.

XP? Who the f*ck gives a sh*t about XP?

I really enjoyed FFOW. Hopefully they make something with better game play though.