Alexander Riccio

@barry505: your assuming most people aren't idiots, or never just automatically input their passwords/ click yes on these inputs.

@Weihovah: Thats actually very smart. the collective heat would set the oil on fire! then the oil would never make it near the shore!

@AlienSix: Of course. its a dell.

Now Box is sounding even more like DropBox.

Except for the "who cares" part I would say all of the above.

@tande04: I have a feeling that they are still optimizing the code for the animations. The iPad might be just a tad underpowered for this.


@relyk5: that is an insult to some liberals. being compared to the mac users that are out there

Multitasking is a tie? WTF

Does VLC play blu-ray?

I wonder how IP blocklists affected this?

@AreWeThereYeti: I think google must be plotting to sell video enhancement software

In unrelated news, the entire internet has dropped support for safari.

With the number of apps nowadays, gizmodo should include what the phone can do out of the box in its reviews.
