Alexander Riccio

anybody have a script to do this?

What about my beloved Jolt gum?

ewww.... XP

I liked vista. Why is there no option for that?

@Meetloaf13: It seems like personal pages are working fine though...

@CamJN: Its a verb now?

If their ISP is actually slow, the newest version of opera has an AOL-esque turbo mode. []

It is one of those rare occurrences when a WinMo 6.x user can point at an iPhone user and laugh like there is no tomorrow.

Opera 10.52?

@criosray: on the overflowing issue, IT IS a beta, and they have betas for this reason.

Seriously lifehacker? using an SD card for readyboost is a new thing? or did I miss something in the news for several years.

@matthewsucks: It acts like a second cache for superfetch, but not as effective as ram. Its effect is MUCH greater on machines with almost no ram.

@JayDeEm: It doesn't actually store anything important, its a bit like an extra cache for superfetch

@Nitesh Singh: Its main purpose isn't an extension/copy of your page-file, more of a super fetch like cache.