Alexander Riccio

Yes. I think this is very smart on their part. Not necessarily the service itself but the experience it gives them. I can see them integrating this straight into word.


@Dayvan Cowboy: I found strength as really useful for aiming of any sort, it would stable the weapon and reduce recoil

@Dayvan Cowboy: Really? I've used all of them constantly. Switch really quickly and preform amazing combos.

@kibles: Are you referring to the opening movie to the game?

Wait- This actually makes sense, Microsoft is tackling the problems most people have (i.e. 100 programs running, hidden in the tray, slowing their machine down) by allowing them to see that their programs are actually STILL open.

I have a feeling that this is going to be in labs soon.

@Absent Blue: I'm asking this question too, the same app for vista was starting to annoy me after having to set it every time.

@pointyblue: Thought this thread was dead...

@apropos626: I'm actually running Vista on a netbook right now. Aside from the fact that its a great netbook, Vista runs very well on it. I have no reason to rush a windows 7 upgrade.

You know, Vista wasn't bad.

@Kin: add one person.

You can run crysis on a netbook. I have (and here's a video of somebody else doing it) []

Jason, You need to close your HTML tags.

Is that the PC version of chrome on a PPC chip?


What theme is he using in #4? I want it.