What about Superfetch! Surely you could not have forgotten. I have heard that windows gets REALLY fast when you start dumping 6 or 8 Gigs in it.
What about Superfetch! Surely you could not have forgotten. I have heard that windows gets REALLY fast when you start dumping 6 or 8 Gigs in it.
Trump doesn't have a PS3, he has entire golf courses & Hotels instead. I think thats better! #gizmodoremainders
AHH I LOVE THAT CARTOON! #microsoftsudopatent
@Bokusatsu_Tenshi: A parallel universe created by Google reader in its attempt to ascertain the truth. Just don't open them both at once. #hackintosh
what about the old first install trick? #security
I use Vista on both my desktop & my netbook, and I have always been impressed by it. #operatingsystems
Vote: Portable Apps #portableapplications
Next Hive Five should be for best free video editors.
@lostarchitect: You have to admit, that if it were microsoft, then apple would have a field day, and MSNBC well, who knows.
VOTE: System Explorer
damn. I'm a jealous 14 year old.
Im sure top gear could use this
@Nuclear Moose: yeah, 100% goes to no.
*cough* silverlight *cough* Ripoff *cough*
@eversonsantosaraujo: If thats in virtual box then how fast is it in real life? :)
I think the switchable graphics on th n10j-a2 makes it the most awesome crysis playing netbook ever.
@bayXSonic: Geez... Win 98? I feel sorry for you.
This proves how screwed our country really is, when conficker starts attacking hospitals their gonna blame it on Microsoft. When people get hacked through IE6 their gonna blame it on Microsoft.
@Jereso: What High School? It seems like all the high schools in the NYC area are still using XP/IE6.