
Matt and Akbar are the best announcers, and should have been announcing the Olympics alongside Leslie Jones.

You know, you say that sarcastically, but dudes kill women all the time for not liking them despite all the great things they’ve done. There was a man in Mukilteo, Washington, just this last week that shot up a high school party because the girl he’d broken up with was moving on. Like, yeah, this is a video game, but

17, actually — they just issued a correction.

o/~ PETA are garrrrbage people o/~

No new Obsidian Fallout, though, sounds like. Darn! I was hoping we’d get Fallout: Guerrero or whatever.

Bah, back in my day we did stupid things in video games to unlock easter eggs that didn’t exist! Kids these days, with their “actual effects.” In my day, Leo and Aeris stayed dead, regardless of whatever elaborate thing some guy on the internet said to do. That’s the way it was and we liked it!

I’m not much of a hunter but I guess we could go, you marvelous senescent stag.

Nah, it’s a TLo thing.

I love you too, you majestic wood elk.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha oh, you darling unborn fawn, you.

The plan to heap abuse on you to get you to stop talking? I’m saying their plan to weaken you has ONLY MADE YOU STRONGER.

The plan backfired!

Yeah, this is a a very sufferable form of insufferability.

Christ, my man, you’re pretty far afield from a game mod that literally erases all the non-white people in the universe, but at the same time NOT NEARLY FAR AFIELD ENOUGH.

I’m sorry, but the numbers just don’t back you up. Most people in the US who speak a language other than English ALSO speak English, and that jumps up tremendously when you break it out by age: 83% of 15-19 year old Americans who speak Spanish at home speak Spanish “very well.” That’s slightly higher than the 81% of

A compelling argument if it were true. Assimilation has ALWAYS been a thorny and contested issue in the US (and I would assume elsewhere, but the US at least allows anyone born on its soil to claim citizenship, which many countries do not), and its only the passage of time and the willful forgetting encouraged by

Oh, man, I’m so sorry, then! My mistake about your name.

Oh, man, excellent racism/username synergy. Good work, A1 assholing.

Is it worldwide? I don’t I’ve ever heard anything from a foreign writer about representation in American media; that all comes from US residents who don’t see themselves or the country accurately represented. The foreign criticism mostly focuses on our imperial tendencies as reflected in our media.

Ethan of Athos dealt with it through cloned eggs, uterine replicators, and planetwide homosexuality, which honestly sounds like kind of a cool game? Lois McMaster Bujold drew heavily on monastic communities, apparently.