
The prologue established the family unit and their relationships, established Alexei’s powers, established why Natasha has a flat American accent that doesn’t sound like she learned it in the Red Room, and gave a poignant What If to one of the most important characters in the MCU. We saw the things Tony and Steve

I sorta assumed that no one was watching because the broadcast is now digital, rather than analog.

Me for six straight episodes: Oh yeah, Agnes is Agatha Harkness pulling the strings, I see what they’re doing
Me after they reveal that Agnes is Agatha Harkness pulling the strings: This feels like a misdirect

I hope Marvel/Disney didn’t plan on Agatha being a one-off villain because after this week Hahn has almost certainly placed herself on the same level as Hiddleston’s Loki.

I was really excited to see how gangster luke cage would completely fuck everything up

That’s a pretty normal reaction to pervasive, dehumanizing violence in the real world. Shock gives way to numbness as you try to cope, which eventually mutates into anger as you realize the pointless, destructive nature of it all. You’re mad all the time, you just want it to be over, but you can’t quit, not until the

Ugh Johnny Depp

Oh good, it wasn’t that fucking douche canoe, Palmer Luckey.

Iron Man and Iron Man 3 are both good movies.

It’s extremely likely that the young woman in the trailer with him is his daughter, but there’s a small chance that it’s Kate Bishop for some reason and that’s enough for me.

Iron Man 3 continues it’s reign as Most Divisive Marvel Movie. I’m Camp Pro-IM3.

If Ward doesn’t feature prominently in season 2 I may well skip it. Him being fed up with things and just saying “FINE GOD WHATEVER” every time his dad proposed some insane scheme is the best.

fuck you

Why do you think of him that way?

You think that Tweeting about intent is worse than actually doing it? That’s fucking ridiculous. He should be fired and he should lose his career. 

How? Cera was there, they were dating, Cross believed that Yi would have confided in Cera that she was upset.

I’d like to also point out here that Cross just tried to use Michael Cera to invalidate Yi. That is unbelievably sexist.

I also suggest Lunachicks and Veruca Salt.

No, we meant, what does he do that’s worse than the usual plutocratic bullshit?