
I think it’s less that nobody else deals with these issues, more that their discussions are relatively invisible to people outside of that culture. Europe right now is running full tilt into a race crisis with the influx of refugees and the Turkey issue, and Japan’s been grappling with their chauvinism for years. I

Right? The writing was just terrible. The lego games were better written when they were all silent.

It’s better than the Captain Marvel level, but pretty inessential. It’s worth $3, especially if you like the Panther.

The massive success of all these Dark Souls games makes me pine for a Vagrant Story sequel SO BAD. A spiritual cousin that was years ahead of its time.

I see what you did there.

But you’re arguing that asking for that explanation is tantamount to “soft censorship,” which is just, I’m sorry, nonsense. If the decision is a market-driven one (as you’ve suggested), then calling for a boycott or petitioning the company that produces the material is a completely legitimate form of consumer

Not all — just a lot. (A “huge majority”) Like a lot a lot. Waaaaay more female superheroes are presented this way than male superheroes are. There seems to be a minor trend away from the pointlessly cheesecakey costumes in the last few years, which is great — Captain Marvel, Kamala Khan, Spider-Woman, and Gwen Stacey

The trouble with a lot of the female outfits in comics is the dissonance between what they offer visually (male titillation) and what they offer narratively (generally not that). That is, female characters can run a fairly wide gambit of personalities, interests, motivations, and goals, but they’re all presented the

Complaining about the costume isn’t censorship: there’s no enforcement mechanism.

That’s not what censorship is.

Truly, you are the Natural Playboy.

Yes, but that’s why we have lawyers and judges. “It’s too complicated” isn’t a particularly compelling reason to ban something.

Depends on the age cohort, and where you live in the world. There are slightly more young men than young women, usually, in the US, and slightly more old women than old men. Rust hasn’t added randomized age ranges (YET).

You can think whatever you like, per. Ain’t no one forcing you to engage with this game in any way. If you’re gonna play the game, though, you have to accept it on its terms... like pretty much every game out there.

Ha! I’m just saying, the running around and getting into fights in space and whatnot is an accepted part of the Wakandan monarchy. He’s just been up against impossibly long odds in a way that I guess hasn’t been true historically? The opening of space travel seems to have been destabilizing for Wakanda in ways it

I think that came up during Hudlin’s run on BP during the Civil War years when T’Challa was on the outs with both sides of the conflict. Stark floated something like that and caused a minor international incident. It was actually... a really interesting part of the whole run? I was sorry that they pivoted away from it

It’s not a completely hereditary position, is it? I thought it was the kind of thing where anyone could stand for the Panther trials, it just tended to be the royal family that actually won them. I’d expect a challenge for his Panthership before a democratic revolution.

I mean, now that they’ve made a super-successful movie out of Guardians of the Galaxy, the sky’s the limit. Spectrum deserves her own rad movie, but a Nextwave movie would be pretty killer.

I knew him as a D&D twitter guy for a couple of months before I realized he was a political writer, too. Guy brings that same nerdish deep diving to his political research (and his French learning, and, and, and...), or vice versa.

It’s the “sheeple” of this decade.