
Shame on you for mentioning that it was a Chinese rocket. Don’t you know how racist that is (according to Jezebel)?

I never really got into FF as a series, so watching this as someone with no nostalgia for the content... meh?

Konami cancels Christmas

Non-Japanese fans of Japanese game: We are mad that a character from said Japanese game appears a slightly different shade of color in Japanese cartoon series based on same Japanese game!

No offence, and I gave you a star for answering all his questions, but you kinda sound like you are an annoying person in real life. Are you?

This is the most important one:

right? guess he’s never had a tight connection in ATL. I’m either running my ass off or waiting 2h in that airport.

Alternatively, a simple answer to all of the above:
I’ve been sitting in that uncomfortable seat for hours and my legs/knees stretching.

Yeah, even a shitty person can look damn good.

Halloween Was Two Days Ago But I Can’t Stop Thinking About Cardi B as Poison Ivy

IMHO, this is because the only part of the story worth telling is the final battler in the future and how John Connor sends Kyle Reese back through time to destroy Cyberdine Systems. Whether John knows that Kyle is his father or not would be a VERY interesting relationship to pursue.

Poison Ivy ..Cardi B .

Isn't Cardi B the one who admitted to drugging and assaulting people? Are we stabbing abusers in 2019?

So let me get this straight.

Shhhh, don't get in the way of hating on 'entitled gamers'.

If you go down and read the replies, it’s pretty clear that the community downvoted that post because at that point, the mod who wrote the apology continued to refuse to lift a ban on the user in question even after they received confirmation that they had banned the wrong person.

Funny, they told me the opposite if i stopped holding my Marvel Comics in public i might get a girlfriend.

Because shut up, Kyle.

“Bullshit?” Did we watch the same race? Luis Saez almost took the whole field and then where would we be? You be screaming “HORSES DIE SO ONE PERCENT RICH ASSHOLES CAN GET THEIR KICKS.”

People want to be able to play the game and unlock the tings they want, but want the amount of time to exist in some reasonable realm, the method for unlocking to be mostly deterministic, the ability to unlock not to be gated by some “event schedule”, want grinding to be contained on games built around grinding, and