Yet you click, read and comment on every post of his.
Yet you click, read and comment on every post of his.
a fucking idiotic take
Your “ignore it and move on” attitude is fine if you see a commercial for it on TV or an ad in the banner of a webpage, but when you create this self-congratulating, self-aggrandizing event to announce it, you’re wasting the time of everyone who specifically took the money, time, and effort to come to Blizzcon. It…
Look, I get people being disappointed. I can even understand, to a certain extent, people being angry. No one was expecting, nor did anyone ask for, a Diablo mobile game. I think Blizzard is at times a little full of itself...high on their own supply, if you will. I don’t think they’re “out of touch”,…
Halo 1, Halo 2, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Jet Set Radio Future, Crimson Skies, Gunvalkyrie, Otogi 2, Metal Wolf Chaos, KOTOR, Dead or Alive 3, Unreal Championship, Phantom Dust, Forza Motorsport, Project Gotham Racing 2, Mechassault, Kingdom Under Fire, Ninja Gaiden Black, Armed & Dangerous, Crhronicles of Riddick, Crazy…
i was about to say this if someone else didn’t. like, you can’t remeber the characters and scenes of a film you recently saw so how can you give a long winded review of it?
Nic Cage did not have a chainsaw fight with a BDSM biker monster, he had a chainsaw fight with (to quote ICP) a big gumpy tall-ass Lurch lookin’ motherfucker.
Except AvP where they seemed to make the predators look 9 feet tall and act like wrestlers. Man that movie was awful
So basically it’s “The Last Jedi” of videogames?
I honestly enjoyed Ground Zeroes better than Phantom Pain. Yes, it’s basically a glorified demo, and Phantom Pain has so much more gameplay going on, but for me Ground Zeroes was a tighter, better paced experience that actually felt like a classic MGS game.
Problem is, in Japan the voice actor for Venom Snake is the same guy who has voiced Big Boss and Solid Snake, so that justification for the switch is flimsy at best.
MGS4 has a different voice actor for B.B.
The only good bit of voice acting Sutherland had in MGSV was the “you are all diamonds”speech, which actually sounded like he put some heart on the words. Other than that, it always felt like he was just reading from a piece of paper in front of him.
D.Va’s feet tho <3
Sorry Khaled but this franchise’s star goes down on her woman #lore
Neptuno’s Battle Mercy is fun to watch when he’s on a roll and has the advantage, but he’s dying way too much as a main support as of late and London is the wrong team to face while continuously going stretches without a big healer.
His tunnel boring machine must have hit a major breakthrough, given the rate at which he is digging himself in a hole.
I thoroughly enjoyed the Mercenaries series in their time. The destruction was a ton of fun, but iirc all the destructible objects/buildings could only be destroyed all at once, as set pieces.