
My solution is to immediately scroll down to the bottom of the article, and go up to check on the cosplayers.

I even remember Scheherazade!!!

2B isn’t even the first goth-y robot girl in a Soulcalibur game.

“According to some”? During those months, the only people who didn’t complain were Mercy mains. Post-rework Mercy was so absurdly broken that it was basically a “if a team doesn’t have a Mercy, they lose” situation.



As a non-american, the issue with the medical care in the US has always baffled me. I mean, you guys are well aware that there is a HUGE problem, you are all terrified and frustrated by it, and yet it seems that you also are collectively resigned that some day, somebody somehow will do something about it. Just look at


That image in the header with the Night Elf lookalike, what’s that from?

“nothing is really wrong with Arkham Knight “

This is the guy who hired Shimazaki to design the character to his exact specifications - the same way you hire an architect to design a building the exact way you want it.

Kinda odd that the article didn’t add 2010's The Wolfman along to The Mummy and Dracula Untold, which was the first aborted attempt to restart Universal’s monster movie franchise. I think that after three failures, is clear the Universal people have no idea of what are they doing.

Black Panther is another movie that attracted the ires of the internet poop brigade, and yet that didn’t affect its success even one bit. I think it is time for people to admit that the Ghostbusters reboot flopped simply because it wasn’t a good movie.

Absolutely this. The first act of the movie is actually pretty good, establishing the setting and characters and giving them motivation. But then the movie slowly loses itself and by the end it completely misses the point of what makes Ghostbusters as a concept so great.

My problem with the change is that Manhattan was a monster made in America, it was the posterboy for america’s might. If he goes berserker, nukes everything and then teleports offworld, the obvious reaction would be for everybody to be pissed at the US, and probably would not intervene if the Soviets went apeshit in

I don’t know, the writing in the movies is pretty terrible in itself, and often appears as the writers either don’t remember, don’t know, or don’t care about what was previously established.

“We have not yet seen the full core re-engage in Destiny”

The Donkey Kong games were massive on the SNES, those three games got the #3, #6 and #10 spots in the list of top 10 best selling games for the console. So it isn’t really surprising that a new entry for the series on a new console would do just as good.

Kinda meh to be honest. There are a few great games but also a some filler that in no way can be considered a playstation classic.

You know, I’d imagine that 2B’s reaction upon seeing Ivy would be more akin to HOLY SHIT A HUMAN WHATS THIS I DONT EVEN