
I somebody asked me what FF character I would want in SCVI, I’d immediately say that either Ramza, Agrias, or Orlandou from FF Tactics.

I am content with having Blue Knuckles in the game.

Pharah’s enchanted armor is awesome. Sombra’s bride of junkenstein is cool but a bit underwhelming. Same with Doomfish. Pumpkin Mei is OK I guess. Slasher 76 is great. Undead McCree... I should like, but the neon green inside of his cape looks tacky. Spider Widow looks surprisingly great, the best one of the Epics.

Well, the Playstation Classic already suffers from that problem. Jumping Flash is a pretty decent game, but it’s hardly what I would call a system seller or a iconic classic of the console.

Halo 1, Halo 2, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Jet Set Radio Future, Crimson Skies, Gunvalkyrie, Otogi 2, Metal Wolf Chaos, KOTOR, Dead or Alive 3, Unreal Championship, Phantom Dust, Forza Motorsport, Project Gotham Racing 2, Mechassault, Kingdom Under Fire, Ninja Gaiden Black, Armed & Dangerous, Crhronicles of Riddick, Crazy

the Michael-Bay-verse movies aren’t really even consistent with themselves

If the rumors are true, the sixth Transformers movie that would have followed up The Last Knight has been discretely discarded, and the Bumblebee movie will serve as a soft reboot and set up a new plot line. So yeah, it seems we a have a big retcon in our hands, and one that is sorely needed.

Dunno, IMO showing off “I can turn from a chopper/jet to a car AND then to a robot” is in itself enough justification to do so. If I were a triple charger, I would do it all the time.

You could argue they put the things they see working together nicely, but that is not innovation.

OK that’s interesting, but why is Squall’s jacket so short?

My thoughts exactly, made me feel like he is being condscending at Munn, and annoyed of being involved in the matter.

Comms were spotty but they did work. And they had Bishop, who would serve the same purpose as a drone.

Well, they have been involved in prior “bug hunts”, and Apone certainly was a very capable Sarge. Arguably, the colonial marines could have won their first engagement hadn’t they been caught with almost no guns due the Xenos’ unfortunate choice of hive placement.

That crossover comic did exist, and surprisingly wasn’t an 90s comic (it was published in 2000).

But the 90s actually closed with another gem, a Witchblade/Darkness/Aliens/Predator crossover published nov-dec 1999. Because lol 90s. It even had a sequel.

I recall reading in a interview with the Retro guys (I think it was for IGN), that apparently the people in Nintendo Japan had no idea what an actual Bounty Hunter is and does. Like, they were planning a series of bounty-hunting missions for MP3, but they got orders from Japan to scrap the whole thing because

Nope, that was much earlier this year. The “event” on the director’s twitter started with a message by the Colonel, then at the middle was a message by Sniper Wold, and this is the last one with Snake and Ocelot.

What killed the game for me was the utter lack of cool and unique boss fights, which is a staple in the franchise.

The whole event started with a Codec message from the Coronel. Look it up, shouldn’t be that difficult to find.

Absolutely. I recall finishing the game for the first time and thinking “damn, this guy is going to be the best metal gear villain ever”. And then Phantom Pain came in, and Skull Face somehow ended being the worst. Yes, I put Hot Coldman above him.

I honestly enjoyed Ground Zeroes better than Phantom Pain. Yes, it’s basically a glorified demo, and Phantom Pain has so much more gameplay going on, but for me Ground Zeroes was a tighter, better paced experience that actually felt like a classic MGS game.