
I don’t think Baby is supposed to be teenager but a 20-something.

Absolutely this.

I don’t even play as Sombra, but damn, she’s got the best set of skins in the game. Even her normal recolors are eyecatching and beautiful.

Planet Terror was a ton of fun, but I have a problem with it. Basically, Rodriguez missed the point of Grindhouse cinema, whereas Tarantino got it straigth with Deathproof.

Hmmm... I don’t know, that Cell costume still needs some work to be perfect.

He paused for a moment, shrugged, and then resumed dancing.

In all honest, some swearing is realistic given the circumstances. I mean, most of the crew of the Enterprise can be described as “space sailors”, and sailors aren’t exactly know for their clean and polite speech!

None of the dualshocks have individual buttons in the d-pad, if you open the controller it’s a cross shaped piece of plastic.

She looks like a Battleborn character.

Wander basically is a less angry Kratos, but at least Kratos has the excuse of being manipulated while Wander did it entirely on his own volition.

QUESTION: Is it possible for somebody to not dream at all? because I honestly don’t ever recall having any dreaming, not even the usual “hey I know I had a dream but I just can’t remember” feeling that a lot of people have after waking up.

It doesn’t really look like Remake Freddy, but also not like Robert Englund.

Junkrat needed to be immune to his bombs, which discouraged going close quarters and made a lot of people play by spamming from afar. That buff was great. Also, his ult was trash, so that was also welcome.

It is very real. This is the same Randy Pitchford who was hyped because somebody opened a Rule 34 subreddi about Battleborn, mind you.

They had no idea how to sell the game.

Metal Wolf Chaos, the best Xbox game that nobody could play. I actually modded my Xbox to play this, and absolutely loved it.

They did change something, but that “something” didn’t really solve anything about the Mercy problem. I think the only way to balance Rez is... to not have Rez. Give her something else in exchange, but Rez has to go.

This makes me think something: Is there a canon reason why the Bronze Saints are still, well, Bronze? They keep besting people way, WAY above their payscale and are best chums with the avatar of a god, and yet they never receive a promotion.

You should have demanded the owners of the house to move the sun out of view.