What an insightful politcally charged article! It’s a good thing the other candidates were so much better. Hillary’s involvement with Bengazi sure was a thing that never, ever happened!
What an insightful politcally charged article! It’s a good thing the other candidates were so much better. Hillary’s involvement with Bengazi sure was a thing that never, ever happened!
Says the person who’s never had any experience with racism except for the one time an old white lady looked at him/her in a mean way.
What about Laquasha or Jay’Dyn? Jadasha is a classic too.
But I don’t want to be on your side? You’re all racists against my people and me, someone who has never done anything wrong to ‘your people’. All you do is bitch and moan what another race has done for you, when they’ve:
What the hell are you talking about?
Or maybe it’s just unfunny and terrible?
I don’t know why that’s a good thing, it feels incredibly stupid and forced to me.
To be quite honest, I’ve found this season to be one of the worst yet. All the characters feel much more flanderized and less interesting, and I really dislike the addition of Summer to the adventures. They all feel like they’re the same character now - “super BADASS and NIHILIST \m/”, but perhaps that’s Justin’s…
DAE think that Donald Trump is a hitler? WOWIE ZOWIE Drumphenklein supporters are NAZIS?!?! CLEVER INSULT WOW GOOD JOB TOOK yoU ALL DAY tO THINK OF THAT ONE!!!1!!
Says the IT guy/accountant/wage slave who works 60 hours a week in a job he hates only to make a menial paycheck to fund his alcoholism which he uses to drown the pain of living. Life is meaningless, you might as well kill yourself.
Bbbbut muh ebil trump
...feeling triggered...
My favorite episode of JonTron was called “I hate black people, the jews, and every other race except white skinned people!” Except it isn’t because he’s not a racist and you’re a little bitch who’s getting offended over nothing
“Waah! Waah! Someone disagrees with me!” Please castrate yourself
He’s not allowed to express his beliefs through boycotting??? So it’s great when they do it, but not when someone does it back to them??? I guess it’s only great when your political views are reflected back at you.
Yes, because I, a Trump supporter, do nothing except lynching people of other races and planting burning crosses in front of Jewish people’s homes. So you’re saying that all white people act the same? What if I say that all black people are violent thugs, or jewish people are all greedy businessmen? You’re just as…
There is definitely an inequality, and there is no doubt in my mind that it is at least in part caused by past wrongs. But the issue is that there is no real solution, help is being provided, and it’s (for the most part) not working. If it worked as well as it’s said to, we’d have a lot less impoverished people.
It means being able to make decisions based on the good of the country, and not letting people in from historically violent countries
So what you’re saying is that whites essentially owe black people something because some white people enslaved and were racist against black people?