
Since when was he the best? What good things did he do? Make our country more liberal? That’s not an across-the-board claim.

Since when has Trump’s election hurt minorities? By forcing them to get a job instead of getting a welfare check? Well, I guess us big-bad whities deserve what we get for our ancestors enslaving blacks.

Typical liberal “I don’t have an argument so I’ll resort to name calling” ‘argument’.

Besides the fact that the majority of youtubers are liberals?

So the only good and valid points are liberal ones? Wanting to preserve your country’s integrity is bad? You liberals are so deluded.

AKA “I asked longtime liberals who watched a couple episodes of JonTron how they feel about him now that he’s shown himself to be politically-right leaning”. Diverse study, guys! Honestly, I find Jon’s openness and conservatism refreshing in the extremely liberal Youtube ecosystem.

Do you eat/use/buy anything that has anything to do with “taking advantage” of an animal? If not, do you associate with people who do? If you answer yes to any of these questions, you’re a liar and a hypocrite. If you don’t, you’re a failure of darwinism and a blight on the human race. Man was meant to control

Oh no! Is someone angry that pewdiepie made an edgy joke? Wow no one cares stop whining

So because it’s aimed at developing countries, there’s no one in the United States or Western Europe with a limited data plan? No need to be a dickhead about it.