To hell with you. I stopped reading at the uneducated Trump fan base comment. I probably have more of an education than your dumb ass does. Crawl back under your rock f*ckstick.
To hell with you. I stopped reading at the uneducated Trump fan base comment. I probably have more of an education than your dumb ass does. Crawl back under your rock f*ckstick.
You are defending a convicted child molester. This is EXACTLY the guy who needs to go back to Mexico. Of course he’ll just wander back in a few weeks. Are you having trouble with the word illegal, or is it convicted felon that’s tripping you up?
This arrest and deportation is to protect American citizens from criminals. Nothing else. His family can reunite by going with him back to Mexico. Then return legally through the proper channels open to all law abiding people.
Didn’t take long for the tolerant left to arrive.