funky bunny

Sam Rockwell gets spots 1-3 for me. But I’d give Sam Elliott #4.

I sent them this:

“My husband and I are vegan. My daughter is vegetarian and both of them are allergic to gluten, lactose, shellfish, soya, onions, peppers and GM foods.” I’m assuming the kids survive on eating air, then. Assuming it’s not red air, cause they’d probably be allergic to that too.

And? Look, I’m not stupid. I’m fully aware that cats don’t talk. Cats make a variety of noises. Sometimes people think those noises sort of sound like words. What does it hurt to tell people on the Internet about how my cat sometimes made cat-noises that sounded like people-noises? I know he wasn’t really talking, but

Well, what we’re seeing right now, we’re seeing Bible-believing Christians being persecuted for living according to their faith


My SodaStream is like a child to me. I cherish it.


If they would just charge less for water, that would be enough. I’m fine paying for popcorn and slushies, but $4 for a bottle of Dasani that’s often not even cold enough to be refreshing (#firstworldproblems) is an insult.

I just travel with my sister. She makes about $ traveling with her is nice. Also she knows I can’t afford 1st class everything and fancy hotels, and that’s how she wants to travel, so she just pays for me.

I sleep scream sometimes. Scares the bf half to death.

I understand this sentiment 100%, but zoos can be really beneficial to facilitating conservation, fostering a love of animals in young children, and promoting animal research*. I think it can really change lives, especially in children, to see these beautiful animals up close and really understand how important it is

It’s not so much feet as it is the smell that accompanies certain (bare) feet that offends me. It’s a scientific oddity that people with the stinkiest feet always seem to be the most oblivious to how their feet smell. I guess it’s kind of like the way many smokers don’t get that the smell of cigarettes, which

“I’ve never cried over fireworks before but when they went off in Liberty I had a change of heart,” Davis said. “The part of our national anthem that talks about the bombs bursting in air and how our flag was still there made me think of how those men and women were persecuted (during the American Revolution) and

Yep, lobbying the governor to create a website that can do your job better, faster, and more cheaply than you can is definitely the smart move, Casey. What could possibly go wrong?

Yes, I agree, women who play professional sports should be fairly compensated. And the disparity between losing in the first round of the men’s FIFA World Cup and winning the women’s FIFA World Cup should not be so stark - particularly for an organization wit h so much money running around. HOWEVER, some of the reason

Yeah, absolutely. I’ve never known anyone personally who’s transitioned, but there’s a ftm guy at my work who did, in the past few years. He’s actually a bit annoying sometimes (but no more so than the little clique of bro-grammers I’m stuck sitting by), but he fits in well at the office, and I’m just so proud that

NOP NOP NOP none of the Queen songs ever can be done by Kanye.

Women aren’t held “at gunpoint, against their will” in emotionally abusive relationships, so do you absolve those husbands/boyfriends as well?