I don't know, man. The feminists are busting you up pretty humorously. And you're flailing around like a high school drama queen.
I don't know, man. The feminists are busting you up pretty humorously. And you're flailing around like a high school drama queen.
His dick isn't missing. That's a phallusy,
Yeah, sure. Aziz Ansari is in the PRIVILEGED GROUP! Growing up a skinny little Indian kid in South Carolina must have been a breeze. I'm sure he coasted along on nothing but privilege as the white male patriarchy embraced him. Yes, I'm being sarcastic. You are the problem.
I DEMAND that you listen to this.
Joke is on the Duggars. That cat was GAY — and now they are!
Pork Wine. The OTHER white wine.
I dunno... maybe she just shouldn't have swallowed that IUD in the first place.
He's got "resting stoner face"
I find that "sexy faces" are often more like "I'm stoned in the chip aisle at the grocery store and experiencing sensory overload" or "someone walking behind me just grabbed my ass" or that thing, that you said.
I'd climb that tree.
Bingewatch Netflix in reverse alphabetical order or if you don't have a subscription, bum someone's password for the cause. Take up knitting or sand art, especially since you just cleaned because then you can clean it all over again! Categorize all of your photographs. Throw yourself into a family genealogy project.…
So glad everyone was ok!
I am dying from the flu, and this is the only thing keeping me alive.
This is the best thing that has happened to me today.
it gave me cavities.
No offense to Taylor, who looks nice in a Dynasty kind of way, but this picture (from the link) is why I can't buy bras from Vicki's anymore. They don't make any that don't come preloaded with knockers. "Increase 2 Cup Sizes Instantly!" How about just support the plenty-big-enough girls I already have in something…
Edit: never mind. Just repeating what others have said. Still, re spoilers etiquette, I don't think it's your readers who need to "catch the fuck up".