Extremely Biased Milk Hotel

My last neighbor was one of the latter. She put a note on my door literally complaining about hearing my *footsteps* after 9 PM. So I’m sort of sympathetic to Thereux, but he still needs to either take care of his dog or pay a pet sitter to hang out with it during the day.

Thank you for saying this.

Yeah, I really don’t get the outrage. I’m insulin-resistant because of PCOS and regularly eating actual ice cream would be a tremendously bad idea for me.

This is like 80% of the reason I buy Halo Top instead of regular ice cream.

Yeah, apparently there was family drama about her not being a “good girl” or whatever, which is gross. I’m glad she’s still hanging with Wayne and Katie though. I’ll be v sad if she turns into like, bi Taylor Swift.

Can’t tell if you’re being facetious or not, but obviously I was talking about Casey Anthony herself. She’s not my type exactly, but much of the media storm surrounding her case focused on how hot she was.

I completely agree. Arctic Zero makes me sad, but Halo Top actually tastes really good. And like sometimes you want to eat an entire pint of ice cream without consuming 1500 calories in one sitting.

SAME. Except I prefer their Red Velvet, but I couldn’t give less of a fuck that it’s basically weird science food.

Yeah, I’ve 100% gone shopping in the wee hours of the morning mid-manic episode. I adore Carrie Fisher, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of those quirky anecdotes took place when she was high.

Yeah the only time I ever saw Nancy Grace go after a pretty white woman was during the Casey Anthony saga. But she’s also genuinely awful and not a blonde.

The alleged kidnapper released her with a letter that basically said that luring young mothers into the sex trade was bad for business.

Yeah, every part of this story is weird as hell. I’m always skeptical about “white slavery” stories, but I don’t think she was involved. I think the dude probably concocted a Taken-esque sex slave network in order to terrify her even more.

Yeah :/ She didn’t really quit the whole appropriation thing until this most recent turnaround. I liked her weirdo psychedelic schtick but the white girl dreads and faux AAVE always ruined it.

I feel the same way. She’s done so much good and I loved how visible and loud she was about her own queerness and protecting queer kids. I know I probably shouldn’t be surprised by her casual racism, but I always kind of am.

Agreed. It also comes off like she’s ashamed of her old image but for all the wrong reasons.

This. Even before they broke up there were like, endless gossip items about how much he hated her hair and how his mom thought she dressed like a slut.

It also disappointed me and struck me as odd that someone who acted like she was so socially aware would just flat-out never address something like that. I’m also weirded out by how quickly she’s reinvented herself, especially because she spent most of the Bangerz era talking about how much she hated her pop-country

Nah, she was still wearing white girl dreads and shit during that era.

Yeah, I couldn’t possibly have empathy for another human without it being the direct result of some marketing ploy. /s

I mean, I likely had a far worse childhood than she did, but I’m still capable of feeling sad for her. I can’t imagine having most of my formative years broadcast for the world to see.