Extremely Biased Milk Hotel

Fair enough, but idk a better term. Guest star?

Yeah, I struggle with this too. Nearly her entire life - and quite literally her entire adolescence - has been entrenched in weird, scripted pseudo-reality. I generally like the Kardashians, but I feel like they did a real disservice to Kendall and Kylie by having them on the show.

Eh, idk. I think she’s gone pretty over the top, but plastic surgery isn’t just a famous people thing.

Wow that is almost frighteningly accurate. I don’t think she necessarily looks bad, but the amount of work she’s had done at such a young age is mind-boggling.

I know she’s probably perfectly fine, but something about this makes me kinda sad for her. The fact that she didn’t really have a say in being on screen, not even in a fictional role but as herself, every day starting in like the 4th grade is sort of sad

That definitely makes sense. She really doesn’t have the foundation for a normal life, and I can see how trying to break out and create that for herself would be intimidating.

Ohh I had totally forgotten about the eldest Osbourne daughter until now. But yeah, I’m perplexed by Kylie’s insistence that she wants to be normal. The only way that makes sense for me if she genuinely thinks she literally can’t develop a skill set outside of being a reality TV star.

I did, and that still doesn’t change the fact that trans people don’t have to experience dysphoria or undergo any sort of medical transition to be trans. I’m not saying the article is a travesty or anything; I just don’t think it’s particularly relevant.

I mean, does this really matter for these kids? Not all trans people experience dysphoria and not all trans people medically transition. You can’t even begin taking hormone blockers until puberty, so the question of whether or not they’ll eventually “detransition” is sort of moot.

It’s comforting to know I’m not the only person who has to do this omg

Ahh thank you!!

For real. That level of defensiveness genuinely reminds me of myself at my worst. It’s a little chilling.

That attitude is actually pretty common among athletes with eating disorders, and I’m saying that as a former athlete and recovered-ish bulimic.

Well, most of the people I know who are petrified of gluten/dairy/whatever Gwyneth Paltrow tells them to avoid wouldn’t touch convenience food with a 10-foot pole.

For me, and I think a lot of other folks, the crux of body positivity is respecting someone’s bodily autonomy. Someone else being fat doesn’t affect you and isn’t really your business.

Regardless of what you choose to eat, obsessing over it and punishing yourself when you eat something “bad” is disordered eating. When you’re so petrified of gaining or not losing weight that you cannot possibly enjoy food, that’s disordered eating. That’s what people are talking about. No one is saying eating veggies

Jesus, where do men get there bizarre ideas about women’s weight?? At least half the guys I know think thin/medium-sized women are all under 150.

This. I think it’s totally good and well if folks wanna cook at home more or cut down on convenience food, but the “clean eating” movement just grosses me out. It’s so unnecessarily moralizing.

They’ve done some deep dives on feminist issues over the years, but idk if that makes them a feminist publication. In hindsight, I think Cosmo was the first place I ever read about acquaintance rape from an actual survivor’s perspective.

This is exactly why this attitude pisses me off so much. The only way you can be perpetually positive - especially when talking about the sociopolitical state we’re in - is if you’re so privileged that it very rarely affects you.